Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 179,641,502 Issue: 444 | 21st day of Hunting, Y12
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Signs of the Meepits

Everything you need to know to protect yourself from Meepits!

by knannia
Adoption: A Lost Art?

Due to trading, they are fading away. It's a terrible shame and something should be done about it.

by scorchio_girl55
Extreme Herder 2 – Extreme Herder with a Twist

Extreme Herder 2 is fundamentally the same as Extreme Herder, but with new twists and cool items!

by pikakirby123
8 Reasons Why Meridell's the Best

Here are only a few reasons as to why Meridell is the greatest land there ever was...

by setokaiba_4ever
A Bite Of Neopia

Prepare to munch your way through Neopia, one global bite at a time!

by schoolwars
How To Fail At Applying For A Pet (Every Time)

The skill of applying for a foster pet has become something of a forgotten art.

by rainbow_daydreamer
How to Become a Good Sportsman

The Altador Cup is purely for fun, and should be taken with a light heart.

by jodieklns
Labbed to Perfection: A Pet's Struggle to Confidence

"It's strange, but I didn't have a problem with it," Xirroer mused during an interview.

by oxvampyre_chickxo
Altador Cup V: Preseason Pontification

It's coming back for a fifth year...

by niddyz
8 Altador Cup Teams Nobody Wants to See

One has to wonder: what makes a nation worthy enough to compete in this prestigious, noble sport?

by uccellina
Altador Cup - Get Your Avatar On!

It's that time of year again... the moment you've been waiting for: yes, that's right, it's the fifth annual Altador Cup!

Also by lily_evans11

by sk8brdrme

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"Princess Bones" by vanessa1357924680
Schools were closed due to "dangerous weather" as the clouds spat lightning and rumbled with thunder, and many people refused to go to work. Except for Dr. Renwick. "There's been another accident on the intersection of Peak and Mote," a pink Wocky nurse informed him, rushing into the hospital emergency room breathlessly. "Two Eyrie Cabs collided..."

Other Stories


The Kingdom in Winter
The air was cold. His gaze was cold. But his heart... cold, it was not.

by becka_fericirea


Melting Away
A pink spotlight focused, trapping her within its rays as the rest of the stage faded to a blue-black.

by reggieman721


Unlikely Allies: Part Six
Once practice was over, she invited Ciona for a swim, reminding her that there were still four days left until the opening ceremony.

by smoothiegrrl


Kazeriu Wind: Part Two
"W-what are you doing here?" Fion sputtered...

by combat_lobster_46903


Little Baby Bruce
Babies can be so silly...

by deboratibi


Dasher's Last Year?
Let's all hope good 'ol Dash NEVER retires!

by chavo_guerrero

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