White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* |
Circulation: 179,399,125 |
Issue: 441 | 30th day of Eating, Y12 |
| Key Quest! Finding Your Perfect Token!This is to help assist everyone in finding their perfect Key Quest token.
by sportsandmusic69 | | All About Baby Pets!So here you are, minding your own business when all of a sudden Boochi comes out of nowhere and zaps your precious Grey Uni into a Baby Uni!
by aggirl169 | | A Guide to The Search for Princess LunaraThe Search for Princess Lunara is my absolute favourite game, and I find, one of the easiest.
by dark_rose_15 | | 22 Instruments to Make You 97% CoolerBecause I'm just that nice, I have compiled a list of the coolest instruments in Neopia.
by laurapet131 | | Caring for Your ReptilliorYou never want to scare your reptillior... it may end very badly.
by ladykayk3 | | The Fate of the Chia-Lupe FeudThis article was written to remind us all of a cherished hallmark of Neopia, which has fallen by the wayside and been forgotten!
by fattree | | Snowglobes: Winter Wonderland in a BottleWhen you find yourself lounging in the sun on a warm spring day, longing for the winter season, your snow globe will act as a reminder of the charming, frosty conditions to come.
by danceswithpampers | | Maximizing Your Neopoint Earning PotentialA foolproof way to maximize your time playing flash games, while also having fun in the process.
by terragainsborough | | The Perfect Neopian Dinner PartyDespair no longer, fellow Neopians. Put down the spatula, take a deep breath ... and read.
by distressedantiquity | | Shopping for FyoraFyora's birthday is mere months away.
by preencessno |
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The Chia-Lupe Feud
Whatever happened to the Chia-Lupe feud? What? What do you mean what feud? Never mind, I know what you mean. That's why I wrote this article! This article was written to remind us all of a cherished hallmark of Neopia, which has fallen by the wayside and been forgotten! So, do you know anything about this marvelously entertaining feud? You know that Lupe treats are shaped like Chias. You know that Chias come in fun fruity flavors. But did you ever wonder why?
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Cellblock You believe Vex invented the game on his own? That is only partly correct. I'm the one who planted the idea in his head.
by fiery_sky |