Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 179,112,207 Issue: 439 | 16th day of Eating, Y12
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Employment in Neopia

Whilst doing a stint at the Freaky Factory, which as many of you will know creates plushies from liquid Kreludite, it occurred to me that this was one of the many businesses in Neopia that could be run better.

by selfbetrayal
A Blast from the Past

Rewind nearly three years ago, back to April 26th, 2007.

by smeesh28
Kreludor Revealed: Gravity, a Stick, and a Top Hat

Think, dear reader, think! The fate of Neopia could lie in your hands.

by simpleregret
Celebrating Grey Day

Why would we want to set aside a whole day each year to celebrate such a dreary, dismal color?

by spleniferous_k
Feel Your Gloomiest: A Complete Guide to Being Grey

This is your key to show how you can truly be grey.

by jockylocky
Economics of Collecting Retired Items, Complex Fun

The vast and interesting world of RETIRED ITEMS!

by kieronstoff
Food Club: Your Best Friends in Betting

A more in-depth article about two specific aspects of Food Club: food adjustments and the odds.

by crazy_holly_ii
Bad Names: Learn to Like Them

Many Neopians have a hard time thinking about a good name for their new pet.

by lovisa966
The Pet Behind the Neopet

We often forget a very important creature of Neopets. That's right; I'm talking about petpets, our pets' best friend.

by 76monkeysflying
The Top Ten Most Dangerous Foods in Neopia

But it's only food!!.... AHHHGHHHGHHHH!!!!!!

by yayzz_1245
Grey Shopkeepers, a Succinct and Depressive Overview

What better way to show your support for Grey Day than to make NP off of it? Right? Right.

Also by _razcalz_

by larkspurlane

How to Survive Grey Day: A Guide

*This story is not a guide on what to avoid in case of zombie apocalypse.

by notonetobequiet
Why are Grey Pets so Blue?

Why is it that they sigh so dejectedly? Why is it that they crouch and huddle so pitifully?

by neom_777
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Grey Day: Guide

It's supposedly a festival to celebrate all our wonderful, Grey Neopians... But we must ask ourselves: is this really what Grey Day is all about? Well, sorry to inform you, but this is exactly what Grey Day is not. Grey Day is, first of all, very gloomy. This is the most grim time of the year, and I don't mean just for pets that are painted Grey in particular. Grey Day affects all of Neopia. It doesn't matter if you're in Faerieland, Krawk Island...

Other Stories


Solitary Epiphany
What was I, but a single speck of dust in a world that expected me to be great, before I could find myself?

by sylviau


Rekindled Hope
All of a sudden, a thought leapt into my mind. What had become of that Kougra, that bright little spark, whom I had seen nearly four years ago?

by guddi6


Daylight's Dirge: Part Four
The next three days passed in a blur. Pariel unloaded his ship, examining each piece of metal to see whether or not it was useable as it was.

by kittengriffin


Viva la Resistance!: Part Two
"Good, I do like it when I don't have to introduce myself," he said. "The reason I ask is out of good manners. You see, I know exactly who you are."

by herdygerdy


Awkward Books: Part II
Well, don't judge a book by its cover, I guess.

by leetmango


Tiring Walk
...still waiting...

by code_de_la_route

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