The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,033,999 Issue: 413 | 9th day of Collecting, Y11
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The Neopian Food Review: Golden Dubloon

Is the Golden Dubloon as good as Kelp?

by mrpanda1
Avatar Hunting the Safe Way

The best way to achieve your goal is to do your best to keep your wits about you.

by aparna121
Run! It's The Great Desert Race

The Great Desert Race looks at first glance to be a simple board game, but looks can be deceiving.

by htamale
Be A Star

A guide to help you become both a better writer and to get the Neopian Times avatar.

by cheeseworld101
How to Go Green in Neopia

Encourage your Neopets to conserve water in their everyday routines. A little bit can really add up!

Also by punk_rocker_pip

by ginny_invisible

Guide to Neo-Niceness

There is some confusion as to how to be nice on Neo.

by tj_wagner
Exposing Neopia's Darkest Secrets: The Stock Market

We've discovered information involving the stock market that will make you wish you hadn't purchased that POWR stock.

Also written by dirtyredemption

by half_moon

Which Poogle Should You Root For?

Have you ever been at the betting window, trying to place a bet… but not knowing which Poogle to bet on...

by meggierules2129
In The Clouds: A Guide To Extreme Racing

There certainly were many people having a 'smashing good time'.

by chax1414
Appreciating Autumn: It won't be a disappointment!

This guide will help you and your Neopet find something exciting, energising or maybe just perfectly relaxing to do this Autumn.

by nerdytiger
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"Scable Runes - Truths for the Liar" by weaponstar
Why? Why must they always ask why? 'How'. I could write you a book about how. 'When' is really not important, not unless you like to dig things out of the ground and then stick labels on them. And if you are one of those diggy people, can I borrow your spade? My ship's buried in a hill, see. No? Oh, you don't have a spade...

Other Stories


Let Me Tell You the Truth
"Bu-but, Elliot, that's Mr. Pottinger's farm; what if he sees you?"

by ilovethelionking1


Zor and the Blumaroo Chef
The Pea Chia bounced down from the table. "I'll go find Blippita," he declared. "She won't mind taking me out, not like you!"

by yoyote


Stranded!: Part One
It all started when the Neopian Lottery's jackpot shot up to an amazing sum of twenty million neopoints...

Also by brookeppg

by matilda_39


The Traitor: Part Five
"Well, what do you want me to do?" the Krawk demanded in exasperation. "Do you really want to gamble with dear little Lisha's life?"

by jokerhahaazzz


Smooshing Egos
"Beat THAT!"

by charybdis7


Say What?: Turm-ination part 3 of 3
Wake up! Wake up!

by deleted_milk

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