Meow Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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Around the World in 80 Soufflés: Part 4

One was overjoyed upon receiving an invitation from Jhuidah to have lunch at The Cooking Pot...

by horripilated
Korbats Lab - Smashing Sloth's Storage

With the recent reintroduction of the Korbats Lab avatar, it seems fitting that a new guide should be created to help the avatar collectors and gamers of Neopia to improve their scores!

Also by ginny_invisible

by laruvy

The Top (and bottom) TCGs

Have you always wanted to know which TCGs were most expensive? How about which TCGs were the least expensive?

by karinche
The Ultimate Guide to Itchy Invasion

You've got a job to do: Get rid of the Petpetpets! These tiny pests have been causing cases of endless itchiness for your Petpets. And now you have taken matters into your own hands.

by evilham
A Basic Guide To Capsules

Why it's so great, what to look for when deciding what to buy, capsules of special interest, and, you know, all that good stuff.

by jas7229
How to Solve Anagrams in The Castle of Eliv Thade

Why seek help when you can do them yourself? Not only is The Castle of Eliv Thade a fun and enjoyable (if creepy) game, it also improves your vocabulary and sharpness of mind!

by pharaohs333
You Are Funding the Potato Counter

What on earth could my Neopets be :)ing about when they had been in Roach Towers Hotel for about the seventeenth month in a row?

by yellowsugardog
It's Raining Mootix! – Your Guide to Cooty Wars

You better be quick! Those Mootix are stealthy and will do anything to escape the Cooties' clutches!

by flapjackpax
Legends of Pinball: Become a Pinball Wizard!!

This is a guide to help you out and show you what to expect in the Legends of Pinball!

by iloveben14
Why Grundos Should Be the #1 Pet

As Grundo Independence Day approaches, the call to all fans has gone out to raise this little creature to the top spot.

by crazywile
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"Chronicles of the Court Rogue: The Underdark" by nimras23
When the young camouflage Zafara first learned that he was going to visit Meridell Castle, he had hoped that Uncle Mourvan would work out a way to get him admitted into the school early. He could have been the youngest knight ever! With that kind of head start, there was every chance in the world that Prince Jeran would choose him...

Other Stories


Kai Vs. Deranxio: Part 1 1/2
The Xweetok ran back up the stairs and began pounding on the door of the basement, yelling, "Let me out already, Deli!"

Art by katopia12

by visorak_commander


Boomer's Tale
It knew, then, that it had been put away; but it didn't feel betrayed, for what does a robotic toy, mere plastic and circuits and metal, know of betrayal?

by essellyn


Issue 400: A Confession - Part Six

"Which one?"

Also by sariphe

by chocolateisamust


Shattered Sunlight: Part Two
"Kiko Lake was destroyed two days ago."

by kittengriffin


the dark side
problems with medicines

by vira8


Medical Tree: Qasalan Expellibox
Every day I play. And yet...

by leetmango

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