The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 174,865,293 Issue: 379 | 13th day of Awakening, Y11
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A Delicious Valentine's Day

A scrumptious meal plan for your holiday celebration.

by rose_consumption
The Patient Millionaires

I like to have my investments scattered so I can always rely on a steady income if one of my groups become inactive.

by masterxed2
Slothic Neopets: Your Minion of DOOM and You!

How many Neopets do you think have ended up languishing in the Neopian Pound because their owners were ill-equipped to deal with their seditious conduct?

by carrotopian
Complete Mush: Fifteen Valentine Gifts for the Lost

So here it is, that time of year again when you're surrounded by pink paper, red hearts, and enough chocolate to cause dentists to cry into their plastic gloves.

by giggilogalmewmew
Chocolate Neopets – There's Nothing Sweeter

Do you dream of a neopet that is sweet and unique? If so, a chocolate neopet may be the perfect pet for you.

by catspook
Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Valentines Day

Lots of gift ideas and ways to help you celebrate Valentines Day in style.

by shiscabar
Homemade Valentine's Gifts (Now with 37% more Love)

Nothing says "Happy Valentine's Day" more than something you took the time and care to make.

by mistrissmanda
Perfecting Your Valentine's Day Meal

If you're a little behind on your dinner plans and have a few guests coming over to your neohome, or simply want to give your Neopets a special Valentine's Day dinner, don't panic!

Also by deadlaw

by ridiculer

Getting in the Valentine's Day Spirit

Learn how to get in the spirit of Valentine's Day!

by tepoen321
Are You a Neopian Sweetheart? – A Valentine Quiz

If you had to describe Valentine's Day with only one word, it would be...

by imsleepingbeauty
Finding the Perfect Anti-Valentines Day Gift

You like giving gifts, but you don't like the message of the day.

by lily2b18
The Case for a Valentine's Paint Brush

Red and pink? Now that's a winning combination.

by cyniska
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Your Minion of DOOM

We all know that there are some topics that one simply does not raise in polite company. Their stigma is too severe, their humiliation too heavy to bear and the likelihood of being offered the last slice of chocolate sponge cake and/or being invited to any subsequent genteel gatherings is remote. However, when you find that you have begun harbouring ugly suspicions that one of your Neopets is an undeclared devotee of Dr. Frank...

Other Stories


The Valentines Day Card Catastrophe
I ran to my house and looked closely at the pile blocking my door.

It seemed to be a bunch of cards.

by hermione_890_neo


The Heart of a Ripped Valentines Chia Plushie
Time moves so slowly. Too slowly when you are a plushie, small and ripped, leaking stuffing...

Also by lovemycat17

by mamasimios


The Adventures of Jake the Explorer!: Part Five
"There are some ruins of an ancient temple in the mountains overlooking Meridell..."

by aisha_enchantress110


A Mysterious Heir: Part Three
No one had ever asked her if she wanted to be a princess. Nope, she was perfectly content living an average life in a typical village.

by dancer_sakura


Some side effects include...

by d0rm0use


The Wishing Well: Final Part
And it all ends well.

by leetmango

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