Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 176,283,216 Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Skies Over Meridell Game Guide

In Skies Over Meridell, you play as a young pilot who, unfortunately, encountered a band of air pirates who have challenged you to a duel...

by alpha_squadron_166
A Guide to the NeoQuest II Bosses: Part I

This article covers the NeoQuest II bosses and how to defeat them up to the Revenant in Lost Desert.

by someguy_1000
Building the Perfect Neohome

If you want a spotlight-worthy Neohome, I recommend a theme approach.

Also by doopingla

by ellenbug

Avoiding Getting Eaten and Other Neopian Safety Tips

Sick of Booboos? You and the Gelert Doctor on a first name basis? An article just for you people.

by captain_awesome
Making Neopia a Greener Place

What can we do to help? I decided to come up with a few ideas to make Neopia that much nicer.

by jayandcourtneyk
The Buzzer Game - Exposed!

You are about to learn everything you'll ever need to know about Buzzer Game strategy.

by mr_edgeworth
Helpful Tips to Brighten Your Day - Boredom

If you're bored, just think of how your poor Neopet must feel...

by unmerited
Multiple Personalities - Ownership of a Mutant Hissi

Split personalities aren't so much the issue as it is that it's two brains in one body.

by brokensilent
Dealing with a Rabid Fan

Many Neopets and their owners are considering themselves fans of the Cup, but only a few can say that they are rabid about Yooyuball and the Altador Cup...

by maxxeh_rising
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"The Happiness Faerie's Tea Party" by mamasimios
Being the newest resident of Faerieland, the Happiness Faerie wanted to make a good first impression with her new neighbours. Soon after she had first arrived, she had struck upon the idea of hosting an afternoon social. Devising a guest list and sending out invitations, she had waited with great anticipation for her intended guests to rsvp. It was with notable disappointment that she had received word that Fyora, the Faerie Queen, had been forced to send her regrets, but...

Other Stories


Turn Back Time
He groaned and pulled his pillow over his head. "Jaraiya!" Olivia called again. "If I have to yell one more time..."

by maltese51191


Blake and Sarah – Secret Agent Lupes
"He wouldn't believe my plan to go stop what's going to happen in the future..."

by haku2049


The Adventures of Cleckstarr: Meuka Madness - Part One
Cleckstarr the Brave crept silently through the forest...

by firefox97ink


Tales of a Petpet Adventure: Part Two
"It's not cruel at all. We're all imported from Feast for the Beast Farms, a subsidiary of Meri Acres Farmlands, where our motto is 'We're bred to be fed.' It's all rather humane, actually..."

by micrody


Tail Chase!
Oh, it is on, babe...

by touchedbyapenguin


Whatever Happened to the Lamameeah?
and the winner is...

by m3rcuri

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