Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 177,073,951 Issue: 331 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y10
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A Great Guide to Birthday Gifts

This is a poor person's guide to making your friend's birthday gifts special and unique (not to mention cheap).

by henriyugi
Hey! I'm Starving Here!

What are some things for breakfast that will get these pets off my back?!

by duckylover221
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Petpetpets

I fear I've given a bad name to all petpetpets and that is simply unfair. So, I'm here to set the record straight!

by shakinheadtotoe
When a Fountain Quest Comes Along

Ah. The Fountain Faerie. Many Neopian citizens dream of the day when she might grace them with a quest...

by dianacat777
The Bottom of the Mysteries Surrounding Odd-Job Bob

So many countless mysteries surrounded him. Why did he have such a liking for TNT's many plots? Why on earth did TNT give him these jobs?

by oldcorpsebreath
Your 10 Favorite Screenies Of All Time!

Here are some of the most popular screenie types of all time, according to a survey I hosted myself on the Help Neoboard. What are the screenies that make you all smile, laugh out loud, and clap for joy?

by indulgences
Other Ways to Play the TCG Game at Home

Enjoy the trading cards but hate playing the normal power decks format because you don’t have 10 of the rare holos you want? Well, my family has come up with 3 new ways to play.

by katieroseneo
10 Ways to Make Your Pet Feel Great!

The very best ways to make your pet feel like the ultimate superstar!

by limalima500
The Pant Devil - An Expose

I have fathomed the courage to do something that no other reporter is willing to do. I have entered the very lair of the Pant Devil.

by sarahreye
Neopia's Toast Countdown

Ah yes, toast. There is nothing quite like this simple, yet sensible breakfast delicacy.

by cholate2soul
Carving Meaty Marvels in Hot Dog Hero

The condiments – mustard, mayo and ketchup – are used to construct pathways (using the mouse) for your vulnerable meaty friends.

by jugular_freeman
Exclusive Interview With Gilly!

Personally, I'm kind of ticked-off that almost everyone in Neopia is giving their attention to Sophie and Bruno! Not to mention Reginald— and he didn't even do anything...

by lost_hopes_restored
The Ice Caves Scratchcard Kiosk: Exposed!

For years, deep in the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain, a small business has drawn in considerable success.

by kacim22_2
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"Saga of the Pink Uni" by maltese51191
Mom wanted her to take charge first, which would mean she would have to start working in less than a year. And for about five years, Emma had dreaded that day. The truth was, Emma hated clothes. She'd rather go barefoot than wear a pair of high-heeled shoes, and she'd rather shiver than put on one of Starry's scarves. When the two Unis had been little, it had been Starry who'd tried on each single piece of...

Other Stories


False Hope
"Did you hear? There's going to be a new kid coming in today..."

by psychopsam


Legend of the Quintilc
They aren't just paper, you know. They're good friends...

by peroxwhy_gen


Karina, the Math Wiz: Part Five
Mrs. Yimps placed Karina's quiz on her desk faced down. She took a deep breath and flipped it over...

by sweetie_me274


Fyora and Jhudora: Secrets Within the Clouds - Part Three
"Indeed, dear sister," Jhudora remarked, her twisted lips still smiling demonically at them all, "you could never hope to best me!"

by bluecloud300


The Plant Devil Exists!
That can't be right. We are logical Neopians after all.

by lady_kemii


The Reason Why #2: Paintbrushes
Have you ever wondered why a glowing paintbrush is glowing?

by synchroneyez

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