For an easier life Circulation: 169,514,957 Issue: 284 | 23rd day of Running, Y9
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Attack of the Slorgs - It's Never Too Late to Repel!

Slorgs fear NOTHING when it comes to attacking your fields of marrows and turnips – nothing. Not even your fierce glares and waving of the shovel at them! But fear not, for there is aid.

by twiddl3d33
Top-Ten Must Have Fashions for the Spring

What's hot this spring in Neopets fashion? Find out the top-ten must-have items of the season!

by super_star_08034
The Top Ten Shops for Restockers

All the top ten shops for restockers like you! Well, at least my opinion...

by neogirl4749
Spring Treats

I have only the most delectable, tempting, refreshing, and one of a kind choices for the PERFECT blow out Spring bash...

by avn48
The Neovian Gazetteer

A look at Neovia...

by purple_girl253
The Truth About the Talisman

Now, you may very well be thinking at this moment that you know all that there is to know about the Lutari Talisman. However...

Also by gliderames

by ethan_redshaw

How to Be a Rich Neopian Without Doing Anything

This guide is a little different. It explains how to be a passively rich Neopian. It is possible to break a million neopoints without playing games all day long. That's what we all want, isn't it?

by neesboy
The Question and Answer Guide to World Challenges

First, you choose a game (normally a game that you are good at) and you try to get the highest score you can possibly get...

by lcarlyle
Successful Beauty Contest Entries and Advertising

There are certain techniques you can use to make your Beauty Contest entry stand out apart from the rest, so people will be more willing to look at your pictures.

by mysticalhorsesguild
Paint Brush Polls: Island

In honor of this exciting time of year, Paint Brush Polls is bringing you the top ten Island fashions! With 49 Island looks currently available, the competition was pretty intense...

by kallykat_03
To Tile Or Not to Tile

Tiling is using any furniture item to cover an area, usually in some kind of design or pattern. While this commonly refers to flooring, you can use tiling to create other things...

by memermouse
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"On Gilded Wings" by jayandcourtneyk
SKauvara sat behind the counter of her shop, waving goodbye to a customer that had just bought a morphing potion. Sighing, the Kau plopped down into her chair, adjusting her hat while doing so. Abracadabra, her white Snowbunny, hopped onto the counter and stared at Kauvara with beady eyes. Kauvara gently patted the Snowbunny until...

Other Stories


A Forgotten World
Dear Diary,

More of my colony is being secretly captured and taken away. My friend Sir Tibbles vanished without a trace...

by karate_kirara


Protectors: Shared Dreams
The Air Faerie cast a glance around her, at the towering mounds of clouds lit orange by the setting sun. She smiled at the peaks and valleys formed in the ground of the sky. If Altador was her city, these clouds were her kingdom.

Art by nut862

by nut862


The Shadows: Part One
I cannot write long for I have no more security in this world we call Neopia. Where you see light, I see only the shadows that taunt me. I am not safe. I am only writing as much as I can so I can help you understand, so that maybe all this can be stopped...

by jelleyfrosting


Super Chel: Part Three
Chel took off her cape and stuffed it in her backpack. Eric wasn't wearing his cape either. The plan couldn't be carried out until later...

by kittygirl5170


Dandilion Tails in: Not Welcome Here!
Neopian Eats

Also by walkaroundstar

by dandilion_crucifix


Abnormal Espionage - Entropy and You
What's not to love about virtual life applications of the laws of thermodynamics?

by kazenkori

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