Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 109,226,905 Issue: 218 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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An Inconspicuous Guide: How to Write Well

As a hopeful writer myself, I have come to the conclusion that the masses of Neopia can, in fact, benefit from a little guide of basic rules...

by pugnaciousilliterate
The Perfect Gift

The perfect gift for your friend really depends on their personality. For instance if they hate Dr. Sloth the worst gift would be an I love Dr. Sloth T-shirt.

by puppylover2333
Grooming the Easy Way

Is she saying her dainty golden locks are always getting in her delicate little eyes? Well, I have just the solution.

by mygoodguild
Guide for Healthy Neopets

If your neopet isn’t healthy or even if it is, you should keep reading, for some tips on keeping him or her in good shape.

by techo345149
Yet MORE Happy Home Hunting

We're here again to show you everything you didn't need to know about places to build a home!

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by year_of_the_fox

A Ghost Whacker's How-To

In this game, somebody's dearly beloved Petpet's ghost pops out of the ground, and you whack it with a headstone.

by _snuffles
Guilds - Which One is Right for You?

This guide is meant to help newcomers and oldtimers alike in better evaluating their options and provide a somewhat deeper understanding of the more desirable features that make up a great guild.

by tyleraapje
Fetch! an Unofficial Guide

Each of the levels gives you a certain amount of points when you make it out of the maze with the ingredient.

by kyo_chan
Aquariums and Water Gardens: Lovely (and Cheap!) Fun

But what to do with them? The answer is build yourself a water garden and an aquarium!

by phoenix_amethyst
How to Enjoy Your Lucky Bone Necklace

We put our heads together and came up with quite a few great (and not so great) ways to have fun with your Lucky Bone Necklace instead of just throwing it away. Enjoy!

by dancingpetal
The Loyal Bank Skeith

For most of us, he's just another green face in the crowd. We take him for granted, never realizing how much he means to our lives and our bank accounts.

by literalluau
Once Upon a Time in Pet Central

The Story Telling Competition is a competition in which a member of TNT begins a story with a single paragraph. Each day, 1-2 new paragraphs are chosen that best continue the story...

by tj_wagner
The Ultimate Guide to Usuki Frenzy-ing

There are three important factors that will contribute to your overall score: time, memory, and luck.

by mixboy91
Interviewing Neggs

Now before our lovely little neggs take over the world (Mwhahaha!), let’s learn about them.

by coolaqua93
Faerie Foods Galore!

Everything you need to know, the good items, the bad, the values and much more...

by neowizard1287
Ruins Rampage: a Basic Guide

Ruins Rampage is a Grand Theft Ummagine style game, where your objective is to retrieve the elusive Golden Scorchstone.

by blobenterprises
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"The Working Girl" by lightninglover34
Hunnybee sighed as her daughter's voice rang out for the seventeenth time that hour. Plodding down the hall and yanking open the door, she stumbled through the sea of plushies covering the rug and arrived, alive, by the side of the bed. "What now?"

Other Stories


Don't Turn Back
Outside, I looked back at the house that I'd lived in for most of my short life. I looked long and hard...

by kapriocorn


There's A Reason Why Owners Don't Go To Neoschool
"Mom! Mom!" she said. I smiled at her excitement. "Guess what? They've started a program to get owners more involved in Neoschool!"

by animalnutz1993


Blessing: Part Three
They had not travelled far from her mother's house, on the Meri Acres Farm, when Allara stopped abruptly and turned her gaze towards her travelling companion, the tiny, mysterious Mi Toria...

by numbertwelve


The Battle of the Lucky Coin: Supplemental Text - Part One
"If we happen to be not alone, Mr. Bren," whispered Dr. Boolin the Kiko, "let us hope that whoever else is here is sleeping."

by kublakhan27


The living Christmas Tree
...Or is it?

by techno_zenon


Lab ray woes...

by catsurii

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