Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 107,594,495 Issue: 215 | 4th day of Storing, Y7
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Crashing Guide to Bumper Cars

Basically, you are driving a car of red, green, yellow, or blue (you get to choose), and your aim is to cause as much damage as possible to the other cars...

by lcarlyle
"I Fell off Faerieland" - and Other Wacky Excuses

"Uhh," you falter, unsure how to explain your tardiness. You know what? It sounds like you could use a good excuse!

by playmobil_is_my_life
UGGG! Huh?

Tyrammet Village, so many mysteries, so many UGGGs. But what is the real story behind the grass huts and simpleton folks?

by gator2468
The Pet Documentaries: the Acara

The subject of my latest in-depth investigations is the Acara. Amongst fifty introduced species of pets, the Acara is something of a favourite...

by leveret
Through Taters, Cheese, and a Rather Mad Cheese Shop

I set out for the fabled Games Room to find the truth about the two enemy petpets. Was it all a hoax? Was it the darn truth?

by delfino334
The Truth About Our Refillable Friends

Some of the pens want to help us and be our friend while all the others want is revenge against the pencils.

by tigerfanatic33
High Time

In examining the assorted worlds or nations of Neopia, I realized that there seemed to be a rough but noticeable correspondence between altitude and technological development -- or in some cases between altitude and historical era.

by schefflera
Confused with Colors?

Now, to choose the color of your pet (and this goes for petpets too) make sure you know what kind of attitude, sense of humor, style and kindness you want your pet to have.

by techo345149
Neohome for the Holidays

Decorating your Neohome for the season is a real blast, especially when it comes to the latter half of the year. Both indoors and outdoors, your Neohome can be the perfect canvas for showing off your Seasonal Style.

by summerschilde
The Guide to Snacking in Neopia and Beyond

My Neopets and I have always been fond of venturing out for food at odd times. We pull ourselves out of bed just after midnight and head out in search of food...

by slayergirl_63
The Unknown Eating Habits Of Celebrities

I decided to make a list of some of the famous Neopians that might just be snacking on those milk chocolate peophins daily...

by 123snowbunny
Neopets TCG Awesome Decks: Negg-Tastic!

Well, I know there are so many other Neopets TCG decks articles out there, but they all cover different deck types. But have you seen one with a negg deck?

by 008sholl
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"The Woe of the Fountain Faerie" by destervetha
It was a quiet evening in Faerieland. The sun was just sinking beneath the rim of the great clouds forming the base for the enormous city, tingeing everything a deep and soothing shade of violet. A warm breeze sang through the spires of the Faerie City, kicking up languorous wisps of cloud...

Other Stories


The Great Jungle Incident
"See, there's that fallen tree with the split branches. And there's that clump of rocks that looks like a spitting JubJub. And there's... there's..." He trailed off. "There's that clearing we passed four times already."

by varadah


Kip Vision
Once the breakfast platters had been thoroughly rinsed, she picked up her completed lab map and said, "C'mon Dale! Let's go!"

by erileen


Darigan's Truce: Part Seven
"I bring a gift for my lord." So saying she withdrew her hoof from her robe to show what she had concealed...

by darkwater_nereid


Ghostchasers: Part Three
"These are the Haunted Woods, Kiyoshi. Everything's potentially dangerous."

by tamia_silverwing


Neopian Circumstances

by nefily


Live Long
Enjoy your life!

by posteyam

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