Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 91,084,854 Issue: 175 | 28th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Mika and Carassa: The Igloo Garage Sale Proprietors

Mika and Carassa, the cute little igloo Chias. Perhaps the most famous Chias in the whole of Neopia. They even have a game modeled after their business. But are they deserving of this honor?

by culumbus_kat2
How Not To Get Tangled In Your Own Webs

Well, I guess you were expecting a guide of some sort, so I'll guess I'll jump right to it. I'll also have Webber, my Snow Spyder to help me with this...

by chia625_2001
50 Ways To Tell If Your Pet's a Thief

Have you ever had the feeling that your pet’s some sneaky, wily thief?

by yami13331
Explore -- Terror Mountain

One of the best things about Terror Mountain is that it's like a three-for-one bargain deal. When you click on the link from the "explore" page, you not only get Terror Mountain, but you also get the Ice Caves and Happy Valley.

by cyborg8000
The Deserted Fairground: Freaky or Fun?

They say that a change is as good as a holiday, even if it is only for one day. So why not try something different? How does a day at the Deserted Fairground sound?

by neo_april
Time is Neopoints

The title makes this seem like this is a guide to make Neopoints - but in truth, it is very different. So many people appear to be caught up in the Neopoint hype, when there are many more important things besides these shiny objects used to buy items.

by hermione32606
A Guide to Art and Getting Into the Art Gallery

Want to know how to get started on drawing, and learn several techniques for getting into the Art Gallery?

by lobstermagnetcty
Happiness Faerie: Is She Really Happy?

In our hearts, Slothamanda (Happiness Faerie) Will love us all and will continue to unconditionally.

by rougegirl99
Poetry Rules!

This article is mainly about the technical side of poetry. Wait! Before you say “Technical? AAAAH!” and run screaming from the room let me assure you that this is actually going to be fun.

by parmadur
Pteri Ptactics

Deep in the heart of Tyrannia, thousands of Pteris make their fight up the canyon with evil Pterodactyls and Grarrls doing everything in their power to stop them. What is a poor green Pteri to do? Shoot them down of course.

by cyanna_of_settamoor
Petpet Employment: Species Appropriate Jobs

Have you ever seen a Petpet and thought, “That Petpet would make a great addition to my traveling band of banana jugglers!”?

by jakeohman
Neopets TCG: What You Won't Find in Booster Packs

SO what else is there? There's plenty of other cards, and I'll tell you why you should or shouldn't use these cards in your deck. The cards I'll be looking at today are the cards you won't find in any booster packs.

by slickninja
NT Fans, Attack!

I’m quite sure you’ve heard of the NT. If you haven’t, it is really surprising that you’re actually reading this. Well, just for you people who don’t know, NT stands for the Neopian Times...

by shadowcristal
Search the Neopian Times


Freaky Or Fun?

Upon entering the Deserted Fairgrounds, you may notice the so-called “eerie” atmosphere it has, what with the “abandoned” decorating scheme, the gnarled trees, and the darkness and all. Many people wrongly assume that because of this atmosphere, the place is evil, oh no, we’re all going to die, run, blah blah blah. Now, lets think about this rationally. The place is a FAIRGROUND...

Other Stories


Sincerely, Luna
Urgh, all this writing is making me sick to my head. I don't know what to write about!

by blubblub317


Secret Worries of the Tooth Faerie
I was walking on a beautiful summer day trying to find a poison snowball for my older brother when I saw an ad taped to the front of a store...

by august_chic


The Prophecy of Four: Part Two
"Well..." Talusai looked up from her study of her new self. "I know who you all are, but who are each of you?"

by jade_steel


Midwinter War: Part Five
"Thank you, my lord," Philip snorted as he walked off, dragging Charmond after him. "We'll be sure to return with that faerie!"

by shadowcristal


Oh Gosh.
Mmm. Hot dog.

by matrices


C.S joins the paparazzi...

by chibikatza

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