Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 111,440,439 Issue: 192 | 26th day of Hunting, Y7
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by the_three_scoogers

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Great stories!


The Golden Guitar of Silver Strings - Part Two
Suddenly, Tabatha thought of something interesting. If the Cybunnies could hop, and if they could sleep, could they talk too?

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Yurbles, Kougras, and Bori! Oh my!
What the owners don't hear...

by unicorn_fantasy13


Same Thing, Only Different
"You know what, Franky? I'm tired of this. I am tired of always being considered 'happy'. It's not fair! Kacheeks can be more than just happy little skippers, bakers, and the like..."

Also by Patjade

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TYNG: Petpetsitting - Part One
"Now, I was thinking, if we really want to do some fun things all together in a group, we will need a few Neopoints. But our owners use all of the NPs that we earn for themselves! We need to find some way of having some NP that we use for our own purposes..."

by xxaquagalxx

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