Playing The Part: Part Eight by precious_katuch14
A faerie Acara walked up casually to her friend Alisa, who
had been sitting on a small box backstage. The dress rehearsal - and the last
practice before the actual performance - was about to begin.
"What do you want?" asked the rainbow Uni grumpily.
"I'm busy."
"Sitting in the dark?" said Glitter, smirking.
"I don't think so. Well…Mr. Embers wants you to write a nice sign for her."
She gave Alisa a piece of paper. "Umm, something about slippery floors and watching
out for them."
The Uni raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Well
then, why me?"
"'Cause our teacher thinks you have great handwriting!
Now come on!"
Not realizing what plan the Acara had, Alisa
dug through her bag, looking for something to write with. Much to Glitter's
surprise, she pulled out a water faerie pencil, with the initials A.D. marked
on it.
"How many of those pencils do you have, anyway?"
asked Glitter nonchalantly.
Alisa narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Don't
you remember? I told you that I have four pencils exactly like these some time
ago. But yesterday, I lost one." The faerie Acara continued to watch her beadily
- as the rainbow Uni put the point onto the paper and slowly began to form cursive
words. At last, she held up the note for Glitter. "What do you think? I bet
Mr. Embers will like it."
Glitter smiled triumphantly. "Here, I'll come
with you." The two chums came out and walked up to a fire Scorchio scribbling
on a clipboard.
"Sir, I think I just caught our phantom of the
play," proclaimed Glitter so loudly that all heads turned to look at her. Alisa
The Acara took out a slightly crumpled note out
of her backpack, and snatched the so-called sign from her friend. She shoved
them both under the nose of their teacher, who gazed intently at both pieces
of paper. "Remember when I showed THIS thing to you a few days ago?" Glitter
waved the threat. "Now, I got Alisa to write something, and just look at the
writing style of both!"
Mr. Embers furrowed his brows and scrutinized
them. "I must admit…Glitter, you're right. There is no doubt that Alisa has
been sending you threats and has been behind all the mishaps you have encountered
in the preparation of this play!"
The rainbow Uni was struck dumb. "But sir…I wouldn't
do such things! I'm her friend!"
"Sure, but you haven't been quite a good friend
to Glitter, Alisa," said Sweet, walking up to them in a Meridellian general's
costume. "You let your jealousy get in the way of your relationship. You went
too far and nearly hurt my sister. And NOBODY gets away with it!" He raised
his wooden sword above Alisa, who was now cowering in fear and terror. Without
another word, the Uni leapt up and ran for the auditorium exit.
"STOP HER, TROOPS!" yelled the Kacheek, waving
his pretend weapon. "That girl wants my little sister out of the play, and she's
going to pay!"
One speckled Acara remained as every other extra
knight sprang into action. "Who, your sibling or the one torturing your sibling?"
Sweet glared at him. "The one torturing Glitter,
idiot!" He and his lingering companion dashed off to where Alisa had been cornered.
"Is this true?" asked Miss Tails, coming to see
what the commotion was about.
The fire Scorchio nodded at his colleague. "Miss
Alisa Diamond has been correctly accused of threatening, treachery and terrible
light management." He pointed at the rainbow Uni struggling in the grasp of
a white Zafara and a striped Kacheek. "Thanks to the detective work of the victim
and her siblings, we've finally apprehended her."
"Alisa? Why, I just can't believe it!" said the
island Lupe to Mr. Embers.
"Believe it, sir, ma'am," said Fluffy, weaving
into the raucous crowd. "If you please, my siblings and I will put together
the pieces of the puzzle and prove that it was Alisa once and for all."
"Our first clue was the threats. They were scribbled
in neat, cursive handwriting and with medieval terms like 'thee' or 'thou'."
One faerie Meerca jumped into the discussion.
"She's right! She's right! Glitter's friend is a sucker for anything Meridellian
and always wins a penmanship award!"
"Right, Cuddlycoon. And our second clue was the
fact that both notes were written with a Water Faerie Pencil. Of course, there
are a lot of students here who have such, but - "
Sweet tapped his sword onto the floor. "Which
brings us to the next bit of info. There are only a few guys on the lights committee
- namely me, Alisa and Fluffy. Fluffy was gone when the backdrop incident happened,
and I was too far from it. Obviously only Alisa was the one who could have pushed
it down to get Glitter out of the play."
The rainbow Uni scowled at the Kacheek. "Oh yeah?
How about the props group?"
Glitter smirked. "Sorry chum, they weren't backstage
during that time. Since most of them belonged to the Art Club, they were all
gone for a meeting. The rest were putting the finishing touches on other stuff."
The white Aisha continued. "Another piece of
the mystery was the painted threat at the back of the stage. It was colored
turquoise - one of Alisa's favorite colors. Then Sweet found her trying to escape
and keep her identity a secret, but she dropped a Water Faerie Pencil bearing
the initials AD AD for Alisa Diamond."
"She has more where that came from," said the
faerie Acara. "Plus, she accidentally admitted to me that she lost one yesterday
- the same day when the backdrop nearly fell on me and Sweet picked up that
stray pencil."
"So the 'sign' you secretly made Alisa write
was simply a way to catch her?" asked Mr. Embers.
The four pets nodded in unison.
"I must say, you're excellent detectives," said
Miss Tails approvingly. "And quite caring too - I could only imagine the work
you went through just to save your sister from such harm and humiliation."
"And I would've gotten away with it too," muttered
Alisa. "I would've become Queen Allison, the star of the show. If it weren't
for your meddling siblings, Glitter, I would have taken the part which is rightfully
mine!" The rainbow Uni twitched menacingly. "I was meant to play the part!"
The fire Scorchio sighed. "Alisa, because of
such actions, I'm afraid that not even the lights committee has a place for
you. We'll be putting you in detention while your friends are acting their little
hearts out. We aren't taking any chances after you've caused quite a bit of
chaos around here."
"Detention? NO! I've never been to detention!
My owner will get you for this!" She screamed as Mr. Embers dragged her off
and out of the auditorium. "WHY? Glitter, I'll have my revenge! If you were
a real friend, you would've given ME your part!"
Glitter shook her head. "YOU weren't a real friend
to me, Alisa. If you were, you would've just felt happy for me instead of plotting
my downfall. It really hurt when I found out that you were the one sending me
all those threats. And it was because of you that I falsely accused my brother."
Her friend said nothing as she disappeared behind
the auditorium exit with Mr. Embers, but continued glaring at the faerie Acara
till she was out of sight. All was still.
Until Sweet broke out with, "What are you all
waiting for? We've got a play to get ready for!" His statement was answered
by a series of whoops and cheers as the students all ran back and took their
places at the stage, behind it, or beside it.
"Wait!" Fluffy called. "What about me? Without
you or Alisa, I can't work the lights myself!"
The striped Kacheek's face fell. "I'm sorry,"
he whispered. "I've always wanted to act. I'd love to help you out, but this
is perhaps one opportunity I can never let slip." He gave his sister a hug.
"But I'll try my best to ask some students if they can help you."
Angel waved his pretend weapon. "I can help,"
he said. "Only when I'm not on stage, that is."
Miss Tails and Miss Ford heard the conversation
and walked over to the trio. "What's going on?" asked the strawberry Poogle.
"Because Sweet's got a part in the play and Alisa's
in detention, I have nobody else on the lights committee," replied the white
"Well," began the island Lupe hopefully, "maybe
Miss Ford and I can be of assistance. Working alongside the Detective of the
Day and her siblings would be a big honor."
Fluffy, Sweet and Angel all cracked up. "Thanks,"
said Fluffy gratefully.
"Our pleasure," replied the two teachers as they
went off to supervise Glitter and the other thespians on stage.
Meanwhile, her remaining siblings traded glances.
"Ready for the big play?" asked Sweet.
"Hope you memorize your lines," said Fluffy.
"Good luck."
"Thanks for the detective work, you guys," said
Glitter, walking over to them in her costume. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't
still be here."
"That's what siblings are for," said Angel as
he hugged his older brother and sisters. They all embraced each other until
Mr. Embers called them out for the last rehearsal.
"And no matter what happens, we'll stick together.
Whether we blow it or we ace it, whether we're on the lights committee or on
the stage," added the faerie Acara.
To be continued...