For an easier life Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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Yurbles and Kougras and Bori! Oh my!

by unicorn_fantasy13

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Heroes: Part One
Everyone knows who Merrel is, every criminal in Neopia at least. He's the protector of the "weak", but in this case protector of the week. He was a Kougra, supposedly, but I had never seen him, neither had any of my buds...

by orginalcliche


Worse Than You #3
"Too Many Brown Lennies"

Art by christinetran

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Moonlit Peaks: Part Five
"I'm not going to hurt you, Flurry," she said calmly. Flurry dropped his paws, regarding the Lupe suspiciously.

by battlesunn


XD - The Comic
Not a good idea...

Written by brettinterrupted

by happyneo_89

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