Snowager Prize by ishmalian42
The Snowager. Keeper of a massive pile of rare items, worth
possibly millions. When he sleeps, people try to steal some of his treasure, and
they sometimes succeed. The others aren't so lucky. He wakes up and shoots them
with an icy blast. It hurts. But this story isn't about the Snowager. It's about
me, a purple Shoyru named Amber.
It all began one day when I got the mail. I had
gotten some rejection notices from the Neopian Times, some Trading Post offers,
the usual stuff. The last thing I opened was a flyer saying I had won some contest.
Well, I didn't remember entering any contests, so I didn't read the flyer too
carefully. I made myself some dinner, and settled down for the evening with
'The Sad Shoyru'. It's a book I'm reading about a poor Shoyru who had lost everything
he loved. I fell asleep with the book on my stomach.
I woke up the next day and remembered that flyer
I had been sent the day before. I found it buried underneath my five rejected
Times submissions (I try too hard, I know) and read it more carefully. I had
been randomly selected as a winner of some contest.
"Cool," I thought, and eagerly looked to see
if there was a prize involved. I found the section regarding the prize quickly.
"Since you are this month's random winner, you
will be receiving our mystery prize! Come to the Ice Caves on the 22 day of
the month of eating to claim your reward!" Then I realized something. Today
was the 22 of the month of eating! Making a mental note to complain to the White
Weewoo Mail Service about slow delivery, I got ready and set out for the Ice
Caves. I had been worrying about how I would find the contest people, but there
was no need to. The second I entered the caves, I saw a huge banner bearing
the name "Amber."
When I reached the banner, some official looking
Kougra said, "You must be Amber, yes?"
"Yes," I said hastily. "Where's my prize?"
"Right over here," the Kougra said, and brought
me over to a deep cave set into the ice. A violent roaring sounded from within.
Amber shivered, but followed the Kougra into the cave, the roaring sound growing
with every step.
"Here we are," the Kougra said. "Your award is
right here."
I looked ahead and saw a mountain of rare items,
everything from neggs to rare battle weapons. There was also a huge worm, which
looked down at me from his perch on the top of the riches. This worm was of
course the Snowager.
"I get all this treasure?!" I said, not believing
any of this.
"Ha ha, of course not," The Kougra said with
a chuckle. "No, your prize is to experience the life of the Snowager. Amber,
you are going to do the Snowager's job today!"
Thinking that the treasure would have been a
better gift, I just stood there. Be the Snowager for a day? I thought.
What an odd reward.
"Be warned," the Kougra said. "The Snowager will
not be happy if his treasure gets stolen." And with those words, he and the
Snowager left.
"What?" I said in disbelief. What did they expect
me to do? It had all happened so fast, and they had never given me any instructions,
except don't let the treasure be stolen. "Some reward." I said angrily, thinking
that my day would have been a lot better if I had just stayed home and finished
'The Sad Shoyru.'
But I decided to make the most of it. I climbed
up onto the huge pile of treasure and sat down. I idly picked up a plushie and
started tossing it up and down to myself, but got bored real quick. 'What does
the Snowager do all day' I wondered. I had been sitting there for maybe a half
hour when I heard voices coming down the cave. A few minutes later, a mutant
Meerca and a Christmas Bruce came into view. They looked around, but didn't
see me.
"Hee hee," the Bruce giggled. "The Snowager must
be out. No one's guarding the treasure! Let's grab as much as we can, then come
back for more!"
"Good idea! We're going to be rich!" the Meerca
The words 'Don't let the treasure be stolen'
popped into my head. "Hey you!" I screamed down. "Don't take anything!"
"You think that's going to stop us?" the Bruce
laughed, and continued picking up neggs from the pile.
Instinctively, I started to pick up plushies
and throw them down at the Neopets. This did make them drop the neggs, but that
was only because they wanted the plushies instead. Once they each had around
a dozen plushies in their arms, they ran out.
"That didn't work," I said slowly. I heard more
voices, and grabbed the first thing that I saw, which happened to be a Cobrall
Dagger. A mutant Cybunny and a rainbow Poogle ran into the cave and started
to pick up key chains.
"Stop that!" I screamed and threw the dagger
down. It came down right through the Poogle's paw. "Wow. Good throw."
"Owww!" the Poogle shouted up. "You stabbed me,
you idiot. What kind of person throws daggers? Honestly now!"
"You were stealing the treasure!" I shouted back
"Yeah, but you don't go around throwing stupid
daggers at Neopets!" The Poogle and Cybunny walked off.
I felt all proud that I had managed to prevent
them from taking anything, but then I realized that the Cybunny had left carrying
twenty key chains. Darn. Determined not to let this happen again, I grabbed
a Desert Arrow Launcher and climbed down the mountain of riches, strapping the
Launcher on my wrist as I climbed.
When I heard the third set of voices, I ran to
the entrance of the chamber and stood to one side of it. When I could hear that
the Neopets were almost in the chamber, I walked into the opening and pointed
my Launcher in their faces. The intruders were a blue Chomby and a coco JubJub.
"You're not taking any of this treasure," I said,
still pointing the launcher at them. "If you even think of it, I'm not afraid
to use this thing. Turn back."
I thought I had won and had finally prevented
a theft, but instead the Chomby grabbed the Launcher off my wrist and ran off
down the chamber, the JubJub close behind.
"Oh, come on now!" I said angrily. "There's no
way this is possible! What are these Neopets, professional thieves?"
I ran back to the pile of items, and started
picking up all I could carry. "I earned this," I muttered. "Leaving me in a
dark and smelly cave like that and telling me to guard the treasure. Well, guess
what Snowager!? I can't guard the treasure! So I'm taking it!"
My screams echoed around the empty cave. After
I had grabbed as much as I could, I ran down the cave, passing the Bruce and
Meerca that I had seen earlier, who were back to take more. I didn't stop running
until I reached my Neohome. I rushed inside, slammed the door, threw all the
Snowager's stuff I had taken on the floor, and picked up 'The Sad Shoyru'. I
read until I fell asleep.
The next day I woke up and got the mail, like
any other day. Six rejected Neopian Times submissions, just one Trading post
offer, and another flyer. I flipped open the flyer and read out loud, "Congratulations!
You've been randomly selected as the winner of the Mystery Island annual contest!
Come by the Tombola stand for your prize! What is your prize, you ask? You get
to be the Tombola Man for they day!"
I screamed and tore up the flyer into many pieces.
The End