White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 96,860,727 Issue: 187 | 22nd day of Eating, Y7
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Insanity Test

by saienian

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Mishaps and sodas....

by chibikatza


Relax... it's just a random event.

by sh0rty4lyf


Tails of Terror: The Malice of Mr Squishy - Part One
"As punishment," he said, setting them down on the ground, "I think it's time for some scary stories."

Also by Neonick19881988

by huggsy_666


So Ye'd Like ta be a Pirate...
Arrr, so ye scurvy landlubbers've come ta hear Cap'n Threelegs's first-class rules fer actin' like a pirate, eh? Haharr, well, pull up a chair an' open up them ears...

by hermionechochang

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