Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Common Sense #2

by sirussblack

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Saying Goodbye to the Kougra
Why the third most popular Neopet in Neopia?

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Attention Warf Rescue Team!

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A Game of Mynci Beach Volleyball
It didn't hurt to exercise, but she just really didn't like it... Why waste all that time when you could read? The Mynci sat down on her beanbag chair as she admired all the hand-made Neopian Times Quills in her room. Then she opened the book and started to read again.

by shadowcristal


The Neopia Security Agency 2: Loose Ends
You know the Chief; she won’t say we’re done until we’re exhausted and we can’t move.

by undeadfortune

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