A Wizards Beginning: Part Four by sirussblack
The Training
Ramek woke up in a daze and saw that Tyvek had arrived
early and was peering through a large brown dictionary that Ramek kept by his
bed. "Good morning," came the call from the Ruki as he shut the dictionary and
took himself off of the stool he sat on. The stool disappeared before Rameks'
eyes. "Oh, sorry about that," he said, pointing to the empty area where the
stool had been. "A little magic is all."
The yellow Draik nodded and slowly got out of
bed, rubbing his eyes. "Did you have to come so early?" Ramek muttered in a
breath. He was tired and was in no mood to train at the moment.
"Bright and early," Tyvek said. It hadn't answered
Rameks question at all, but he figured out what he meant after thinking about
it for sometime.
Ramek got out of bed and walked around his room,
his eyes almost closed. "When do we start?" he asked, only half interested.
"Right now. We have to get to business now. It's
almost half past twelve and you're still tired," Tyvek commented and walked
over to Ramek. "C'mon. I want to finish this training as soon as possible."
He said a few words that Ramek couldn't make out and in his hands appeared a
steaming plate of eggs and bacon. "You want something to eat?"
The smell of food in front of him woke Ramek
up slightly and he got to work with his hands, plowing the scrambled eggs into
his mouth and savoring the juicy and tender bacon. "How did you make this?"
Tyvek chuckled. "Magic can be very helpful sometimes,
especially when you're hungry."
Ramek half-smiled and half-sighed. Though the
meal had woken him up somewhat, he still wanted to feel the warmth of his red
covers on his body. After eating, the plate evaporated and the Draik saw that
Tyvek had pointed his finger at the plate as soon as he saw that Ramek was finished.
"Now, let's get started," Tyvek exclaimed, sounding
Ramek slowly got up from his bed and stood still
near Tyvek, looking at the wall and hoping he could doze off without the Green
Ruki noticing.
"Hey, no sleeping," came the yell from Tyvek
and he ran over to Rameks' bedside and grabbed the red covered manual. "Now,
find the page after the Retrieval Spell and read it. After you're done, report
back to me. I'm going to read that very interesting book I got engrossed in
this morning.
"It's a dictionary," Ramek replied sarcastically.
"Indeed it is," Tyvek noted and walked happily
over to the desk where the large dictionary lay.
Ramek shook his head and then opened the book,
flipping through the pages he had already read. When he got to the Retrieval
Spell page, he started to read about his next spell.
Move Spell
This Verse is short and to the point. It allows
a person to make something to another place within viewing limits. There are
some restrictions against this spell but you'll be alerted towards any of these
if you do happen to encounter one of them (which is highly unlikely unless you
were attempting to move a building or a person besides yourself). This spells
Verse is as follows. Please say it clearly and precisely as there is a spell
similar to this one later in the book. "Marcio, meklla, whrsoe, ee." The following
is all in the Language and you should ask your Counselor to tell you the exactly
pronunciation of these.
This spell has the ability to be a Stored Spell
and the incantation for Storage is whatever variable you set it to. There are
mild Magic Incantation Effects (now called Effects) that you may run into such
as swelling of the finger and mouth numbing. Most things should not be a problem
and are extremely rare. There are certain people who have a Reaction to this
spell and may not be able to complete this spell without injuring themselves,
though this is very unlikely.
"Okay," Ramek said, after he had finished reading
the short passage. Below it was a diagram that he quickly looked over while
Tyvek was walking toward him.
"Good, good," he said and rested his hand on
the Draiks shoulder. "Now, I have to teach you the incantation. The first word
is 'marcio'. It is pronounced most like how it would sound in the Normal language.
Try it."
"Marcio," Ramek said. It sounded strange as the
words rolled off his tongue.
Tyvek smiled. "You're doing great. The next one
is a bit trickier. 'Meklla'. Try saying it exactly how I said it."
"Mek...meklla," Ramek attempted and eventually
came up with the desired result.
"Good. Now, 'whrsoe'. This one is a bit tricky,"
Tyvek commented. "Try it."
Ramek had a great deal of trouble but eventually
tackled both 'wrsoe' and the easiest of the four words, EE
"Great," Tyvek commented. "Now, try it out. Point
to that chair over there and then say the first two words of the incantation.
After that, point to the place you want it and say the final two."
The Draik nodded and looked at the wooden chair
and concentrated, focusing all his mind onto the chair. Without even thinking
the Verse, the slipped out of his mouth. "Marcio meklla." He then moved him
finger about twenty feet over to the left and concentrated on an empty area
of the room. "Wrsoe EE" The words lingered in the air for a moment and Ramek
watched the chair slide across the room, making a slight grinding noise on the
floor, and to the spot Ramek had been watching.
He then heard Tyvek clapping and turned around.
"Well done," he said, continuing to smash his hands together. "Best first time
I've seen in years. You have it in you, I'll tell you that much." He finished
clapping but the smile didn't cease. It remained on his face, almost reaching
his eyes.
"Thanks..." Ramek muttered, feeling proud of
himself. He stared at the chair that was now in the middle of the room. He had
moved it. He was starting to feel more and more like a Wizard every time he
completed a spell. And then the thought hit him. He was becoming a Wizard.
"Onto the next spell," Tyvek said. "Read the
Manual for the next spell while I go back to reading the...dictionary. It's
very intriguing."
Ramek smiled. "Yeah, I bet it is." He then flipped
to the next page and his stomach flipped. Transportation Spell. It sounded advanced
but was relieved when below it was only a few paragraphs of text. Maybe it was
a basic one. His eyes than started to scroll across the page in a frenzy, eager
to learn more.
The Transportation Spell is rather easy though consists of a lot of mind power.
What you must do is concentrate on a place in view and then say the incantation.
There are other more advanced spells than this that send you anywhere with the
right coordinates, but this one is very basic. You must look at a place wherever
and then say the Verse while concentrating on your destination point.
The Verse for this is in the Normal language
due to the spells simplicity. This spell was updated recently to include an
even shorter version of the Verse (the original was over three and a half lines).
"Move me over there." The Verse is simple enough but does not always give the
desired result and sometimes may send you to another area or not move you at
"I'm done," came the words from Rameks mouth
and Tyvek rushed over and smiled. "Okay, we're going to go from inside this
room to outside your window. Now, come over here to the window and look outside
on the sidewalk." Tyvek ushered the Draik near the window and let him peer outside.
"What if someone sees us?" Ramek questioned,
continuing to look outside.
"Good thinking," Tyvek said and after that said
a few words that didn't appear to do anything. When the Ruki saw the puzzlement
on Rameks face, he explained. "I just cast a cloaking spell so that anyone who
isn't a wizard cannot see us." Ramek nodded and then went back to his position
at the window. "Okay, say the Verse."
Ramek took a deep breath and concentrated on
one spot outside. He wasn't ready to say the Verse but a strange notion forced
the words out. The Wizardry was working its course. "Move me over there." Ramek
closed his eyes and felt a strong breeze. When he opened them, he was traveling
through a black void. Did he do the spell wrong? No. His eyes were still closed.
He opened them again and saw green leaves floating through the air and large
trees towering up above him. He could see some pets off in the distance playing
ball. And he looked behind him and saw Tyvek, jumping up and down and smiling.
"I DID IT!" Ramek shouted and knelt on the ground.
He had completed the Transportation Spell and was now outside in the cool breeze.
He was a Wizard. He was actually a Wizard.
To be continued...(in issue 193)