Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 94,333,932 Issue: 184 | 1st day of Eating, Y7
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Bad Idea

by sailornezumi

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Truth in Games
Go get the peanut!

Art by lucheek

by jerk_head


Neopia Acres
*Sigh* Too bad this'll be the last one...

by wyomingslim


A Story of My Life - Part Three
Sherry gave me toast for breakfast, which I loved. I held Jill the entire time. When I told Maria that Johnny and Sherry had pitched in to get her for me she just sniffed and said, "That's nice."

by sarahsuk


The "Mischievous" Mists of Avalon
He had it all planned; he was going to play a trick on each of his siblings this day...

by keiri_sato

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