A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,890,902 Issue: 1016 | 6th day of Gathering, Y26
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The Floating Islanders - Darigan Yooyu

by yankeesrule244444456

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1000 Avatars: How We Can Get There
In Neopia, avatars are used as a player’s display icon and are often given as rewards for completing certain tasks. Including Default and Retired avatars, TNT has released 530 avatars upon Neopia, giving achievement-hunters years worth of goals to strive for.

by gumgum101230


Random Nonsense
Wait a minute...

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Faerie Bubbles: The Rubbish Dump
Last week she was wrestling for an apple core.

by flamingoez


To Make An Omelette...
"'Don't look down,' Max willed himself, as he edged his way around the narrow cliff face..."

by dennykins

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