Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,832,142 Issue: 1007 | 3rd day of Hunting, Y26
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The Lupees

by the_lupees

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Swapping Space for Land
It can't be that bad...for the Grundos at least. Collab with chai7705

by decaf0n


Elizia and the Krawk Island Boat Race
"The sun was bright in the sky the next morning, the sands warm beneath Elizia’s feet. A trickle of sweat ran down her face..."

by platinum_marauder


Chocolate Hair Perks
Whipped cream can solve your needs!

by chocokelle


The Ceramicist’s Apprentice
A story about Osiri (from Osiri's Pottery in Lost Desert) picking up a new pottery apprentice.

by yuumeria

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