The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,796,040 Issue: 1004 | 22nd day of Running, Y26
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Something's Not Adding Up...

by truebrony

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An Illusen Day Conundrum (Puzzle)
Jhudora is having a rough time this Illusen Day... Collab with spitfyre_momma

by trilliem


White-winged Wonder: Weewoo Migration (for Illusen)
Illusen Day beckons a host of Petpets from their wintering grounds to their summering grounds, each year without fail, in an annual tradition spanning hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

by parody_ham


Illusen's Mystery Scroll
Item awarded after completing level 38 of Illusen's Glade

by roxanna203


Anyone can look fabulous on Illusen's Day!
At least that's what they say... who is they? I dunno.

by dehoot

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