Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,778,271 Issue: 1002 | 23rd day of Awakening, Y26
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The Real Games Master

by kittyko92

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Who said Programming was Easy?
Back upstairs Garfalox opens the door to his office and immediately sees the red light. Collab with vicunas

by greenj12356


1000 Hours Outside: A Tale of Two Friends
The sweltering sun beat down on the Grarrl as he lay on the sands, sunglasses and straw hat decorating his face. Collab with honorrolle

by superkathiee


NeoQuest Adventures
Dragoyles and Draiks Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty


Nuria and the Sands of Time
The campfire has been burning all day despite the sweltering heat because she said the fire makes it feel more like the holidays.

by neoghia

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