Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,665,009 Issue: 996 | 17th day of Storing, Y25
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Birthday Bash

by tatyanne

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Birthday Goodie Bag for Sale
Neopets 23rd Birthday Goodie Bag has been added to your inventory.

by brooklyn3223


How Well Do YOU Know Your Neopets BFF?
Happy birthday, Neopets! As Neopia enters another year we (Melanie aka surging and Alex aka clorox) will be celebrating our own milestone: 20 years of friendship. Collab with clorox

by surging


Easy Cornflake Cookie Recipe
Something sweet to celebrate Neopets! Collab with retro_bombb

by prulletje1852


Royal Pain: Neopets Birthday
Happy Birthday to Neopets!

by winner19955

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