Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,651,278 Issue: 995 | 3rd day of Storing, Y25
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Stewing Sophie - Vol. 2

by trubiekatie

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Most Fashionable Neopians: Haunted Woods Edition
As fall rolls through, Neopians flock to the Haunted Woods to celebrate.

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Shadow in the Kadoatery
"Late into the night one moonless autumn evening, long past when most Neopets had gone to bed, Crybaby sat awake. Of course Crybaby was no Neopet, but a Kadoatie, with fur so white it practically shone in the darkness, and large, observant eyes..."

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The Modern Day JubJub: Kiko Shoes
We know how JubJubs wear shoes, but how about Kikos?

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A pound pet’s POV of daily quests
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