The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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An Underground Cryptogram

by srr8383

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Notable Neopians: Carolyn (parody_ham)
Hello and welcome to Notable Neopians! I’m greykadoatie and in this issue we are shining the spotlight on one of Neopia’s most talented creators: Carolyn (parody_ham) who was first published way back in Issue 432.

by greykadoatie


At the Sign of the Dancing Dragoyle
"Located in a mountain village in northern Meridell, the Dancing Dragoyle, marked by a sign with a Dragoyle caught up in an ecstatic dance, was a tavern always filled to the brim with the dregs of Neopian society..."

by precious_katuch14


"Illogical - Stuck Underground Background."
"Unbeknownst to this poor Neopet..." Collab with roxanna203

by kimpossibleluvr


How Does it Work: Discarded Items
Gather round, gather round. I have been given some secret information from a reliable source close to a certain green Medieval-living faerie herself… a secret never before made public and sure to leave you in shock and awe.

by honorrolle

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