Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,506,696 Issue: 987 | 14th day of Swimming, Y25
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Quiggle Bedtime Stories

by xorag

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A Jelly Goalkeeper
What a year! Collab with metakitsune

by linnipooh


Mae's Mysteries: The Case of the Missing Necklace
"They were nestled together under Kacia's Bright Skies Umbrella, safely shielded from the rain that was pouring steadily down from the evening sky..."

by satintiger


Return to White River
"Although Nicholai may chastise me for sharing this, he has been directing me to keep an open set of ears for news out of Meridell..."

by hzoo_26


A Mother's Love, Then and Now
"The typewriter is probably my favourite invention, but I wish it would also write my story for me..."

by precious_katuch14

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