Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,188,405 Issue: 971 | 21st day of Collecting, Y24
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Unusual Hunger

by weakestlink33

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Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land
"Our two adventurers have covered a lot of ground in the past two weeks of their journey. From the smoky cliffs of Shenkuu then the pirate-infested Krawk Island, then to the tropical paradise of Mystery Island and the misty Lutari Island, they now travel from the deep sea to the shore." collab with cutiepie4707

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Adventure in the Woods
A tale of two zombies in the Haunted Woods

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Reeves' Island
"Gather around and I will tell you a story. A story of a mysterious trip. That started from a port on Mystery Island..."

by toontown_chick_85


Something Has Happened! - Golden Teeth
Would you keep it?

by jjensen687

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