Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,160,716 Issue: 968 | 9th day of Gathering, Y24
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We Finally Agree!

by iam_puma_master

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Chia Nightmare
It was just a bad dream though... no way this it could ever be real!

by sphere16


Gambling to Become a Neopian Millionaire!
"There are so many ways to gamble on Neopets! From betting in Food Club to opening mystery bags, there are tons of ways to get rich quick! In this article, I will lay out some of my favourite and more profitable ways to gamble your Neopoints!"

by midnightsmores


Scroll of the Fool
"Leigume, the Woodland Mynci had spent months studying the six elements of Neojutsu. As the son of a trickster, he kept the Scroll of the Fool with him at all times."

by cazcazig


Light PhyActivities for the Not-Necessarily-Athletic
"Let's face it: Not every individual in Neopia is created with the ability to play Yooyuball (or any other game) at a professional level, and the Altador Cup season does not appeal to everyone. "

by peacelovebliss

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