Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,075,226 Issue: 961 | 3rd day of Relaxing, Y24
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Spot the Difference - Gnorbu [Puzzle]

by dendeus_271

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Beware Gelerts bearing gifts
Nice of him to share...

by hobo6912


Fill Those Pet Slots: Underappreciated Additions
"In Issue 955 of the Neopian Times, I wrote about filling pet slots on a budget. However, I’m sure that there are many more pet slots to be filled across Neopia, so now I’m back to talk about filling pet slots with underappreciated additions."

by _brainchild_


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What do you mean you're not supposed to wear sunglasses at night?

by illumith


The Quest
"Rainclouds filled the sky at the Neopian marketplace. It hadn’t started raining yet, but there was no visible sunlight. Instead, there was a grey overcast making it a rather gloomy day outside."

by catapult1718

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