teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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Wait. What day is it?

by andypopo

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The Return of Destiny
"Nice to see you again, dear reader. I mean, I, The Storyteller of this story, would be nothing without you. Thanks for caring about what I have to say. Especially for this magnificent story that I have rescued from the confines of Neopia." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused


Gilly - Fun in the Woods
It's very relaxing… just so long as you ignore the glowing eyes watching you.

by katiekazoo


Twelve Neopian Holidays
"You see, when TNT was... doing whatever it is they do behind the scenes, something went wrong. Somehow, all the holidays ended up on one day! So today, we celebrate every holiday at once."

by fhn_ladybug


Nyx the Captain of the Guard
A Gelert finds help in an unlikely place

by rkbear

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