Rosalina and the Way-Weird Beast by downrightdude
PART SIX “Oooh, a real Werelupe!” Lenny squealed and turned to Rosalina. “Do you know him? And is he a legit Werelupe, or just a poser in a costume?” Rosalina looked at the Werelupe, then back at Lenny. “Uh, I think that's a legitimate Werelupe. Also, why are you asking ME for validity?” The Werelupe took a few steps forward, smirking at his three victims. He was wearing a pair of jeans and an unbuttoned red checkered shirt. Despite his towering height and bulging muscles, his clothes weren’t tattered in any way. He was also wearing blue sneakers, though his claws pierced through the front. Striking his hair chin, the Werelupe said, “A shame you decided to come here tonight, kiddies. But it’s okay: at least one of us will be entertained.” Please eat these two losers first, Rosalina pleaded silently. Although she was trembling under the gaze of this new captor, she didn’t feel the need to join Wendy and Lenny as they huddled near each other. Even though they were all terrified, she didn’t expect herself to feel any comfort from the two weirdos she wanted to get away from ...even if they were willing to help her escape from her previous captor’s house. The only one who didn’t seem fazed was Beanie, who was busy waving a stick around. “Come out of the shadows, everyone. Let us greet our new friends together,” the Werelupe announced, spreading his strong arms wide. Slowly, a band of Werelupes began encircling Rosalina and her companions. Many of the Werelupes were tall and bulky, though a few were shorter and a bit rounder. There were also a few females scattered around, the majority being males. What surprised Rosalina was that all the female Werelupes were wearing the same black dresses and white aprons. A few were even wearing white caps. Two Werelupes, both wearing blue shirts and jeans, stepped forward. “What shall we be doing with this lot, Aiden?” asked the taller one, addressing the Werelupe that had captured Rosalina, Wendy and Lenny. “Shall we take the back to camp? See if the curse will claim them, too?” asked the shorter one. Aiden shook his head. “Nah. It’d be a waste of time if we want the curse to affect these three babies. We need a new plan, something worthwhile.” Wendy turned to Rosalina and asked, “What do you think he means by ‘something worthwhile’?” Rosalina stayed silent; she didn't have an answer, nor did she feel like talking to Wendy. First, I must think up a brilliant plan to get rid of these hairy weirdos. Then, to get away from those OTHER weirdos…. Before Rosalina could think up a plan, a Werelupe appeared out of nowhere and flung itself at Aiden, pinning him to the ground. Aiden kicked his attacker away and the two Werelupes stood, glaring at each other and huffing. “Well I‘ll be,” said Aiden, smirking, “I would have never expected to see the likes of you around these parts, Wilbur.” Several of the other Werelupes nodded. Wilbur? Rosalina stared at her captor with a fresh gaze. He was still a scary-looking Werelupe, but he also seems more ...Neopian in a way. Were Wilbur’s brown eyes always so expressive? Were they projecting fear, anger, determination, or something else entirely? Whatever his deal is, Wilbur’s a corny name, Rosalina thought with a snicker. Wilbur took a step forward. “It’s one thing to confront me, but to plan an attack against these poor, useless saps is just pathetic.” He huffed. “If you’re interested in a real battle, why not go fight against those ever-warring Factions? At least you’ll be rewarded with a boon if you win.” Lenny and Wendy clapped. “Bravo! Fantastic!” Wendy cheered. “Wonderful fabulous!” Lenny whistled. Rosalina shot her comrades a glare. Why am I with them again? she wondered. I keep forgetting. With a wave, Aiden and the rest of the encircling Werelupes stepped closer. Rosalina noticed a few of the other Werelupes were holding thick tree branches, brandishing them as if they were swords. Before she knew it, a sudden burst of smoke covered the clearing and she was being dragged to the left. “What’s going on? Where did the smoke come from?” asked Rosalina aloud, uncertain to whom she was speaking to. “It was a smoke bomb; that’ll distract those thugs for a while.” Wilbur continued pulling Rosalina past several trees, undeterred by his companions’ heavy breathing. Rosalina was feeling a rush of different emotions: terrified that the forest she viewed as her only escape was swarming with Werelupes; nausea from the constant running; and a mix of anger and frustration that Wilbur was the one dragging her to a location that was most likely not the apothecary shop. She was torn about how to feel about Wendy and Lenny: was it a good thing they were left behind? Or should Wilbur have tried to save those buffoons? As if he was a creepy mind-reader, Wilbur piped up, “Sorry I had to leave the others behind. I had to get out of there fast.” Rosalina breathed a sigh of relief when she noticed Beanie was sitting in her hoodie chewing on a leaf. “As long as the Meepit made it safe.” Wilbur shot her a look. “Oh boo, the Meepit’s more important than those two clods, and you know it.” “Yes.” The pair continued their trek until Wilbur suddenly stopped. Rosalina heaved a huge sigh and plopped to the ground, struggling to breathe. “Come on. We can't stay outside when those beasts are possibly on our trail,” Wilbur insisted, ignoring Rosalina's hacking. Looking up at the familiar pair of iron gates in front of her, Rosalina groaned loudly. “Why in Neopia did you bring us back here of all places??” she exploded. “Couldn’t you bring us back to the village, where we can be amongst normal Neopians? What kind of an idiot would come to this boring place to retreat from Werelupes?” “The house will protect us from those other Werelupes,” Wilbur insisted. “It’d be too risky to endanger to endanger the villagers, so coming here’s the next best thing.” He gave Rosalina a look. “Besides, you’re still my charge and you must serve your duty here.” “Ha! I’d rather eat cornbread than be your servant of evil!” Rosalina exclaimed. Wilbur facepalmed. “And I thought the other one was stubborn.” “Well I bet the cornbread would be nicer than you since HE would have the heart to let me, the damsel in distress, go and be free in the nice safe village,” Rosalina snorted. “You haven’t even done anything yet,” Wilbur barked, “yet you already want to leave? Why do Neopians like you act like you don’t need to perform your duties properly just because you don’t feel like doing them?” Rosalina sighed. “I only volunteered to get my sister out of your dungeon; of course I had no intention of staying forever! There was going to be an escape plan eventually, you cornbread baking monster!” “Enough about the cornbread!” Wilbur kicked a nearby stump. “You’re lucky this isn’t going to affect you,” he murmured. A loud roar echoed from the forest. Rosalina got up and, surprised by herself, rushed into the manor house and slammed the door. Wilbur joined her a minute later. “So, those hairy freaks are still out there?” Rosalina asked, dreading the answer. Wilbur nodded. “They won’t be able to come here, but yes, they’re still nearby. Again you’ll have nothing to fear if you stay within the walls of this house. It’ll protect you, and those other Werelupes won’t be able to get in no matter what they do.” Rosalina cradled Beanie in her arms. “Where did those Werelupes come from? Where'd ...uh, you come from? Was this fancy, spooky house of yours always around here? And, of course, WHEN will I ever be allowed to leave this place??” “Everything you seek shall be shared in some time,” Wilbur said gruffly, walking away. “You should go rest. It’s been a long, tiring day for both of us.” “Spoilsport.” Rosalina snuggled Beanie. If she was ever going to escape this place, she would need a new escape tactic ...and a good night's sleep, though that’d be a challenge in a dusty guest room. Luckily the adorable Beanie would be with her, which mattered most of all at the moment. *** “Oh Beanie, how do I look in this hideous thing?” Rosalina sounded hoity-toity as she showed off the pale lavender nightgown she was wearing. The silk garment was in the dusty wardrobe, hanging in a row of other ugly clothing an eldery Neopain would find heavenly. Still the nightgown was soft, and Rosalina beamed at the little white nightgown she found for Beanie. “Wow, can't believe that hairy beast made you some jammies, Beanie,” said Rosalina. Beanie pawed at his clothes. Rosalina twirled again, happy the wardrobe had a pair of pink slippers that were as soft as the clouds previously that once held Faerieland in the sky. Satisfied, she tucked herself and Beanie underneath the musky covers of the bed. After a while, they fell asleep, Rosalia dreaming about dancing spoons one minute and a new escape plan the next. To be continued…