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Top 8 Books about Blumaroos for Blumaroo Day

by mellody_sou_10


On the 8th of the month of Hiding (August 8), Neopia officially celebrates Blumaroo Day. The species was first spotted in Year 2 (2000), and come from their own land of Roo Island, just off the coast of Neopia Central.

     They are known for their characteristic long tail, which they often stand on instead of their hind legs. Other prominent physical features include their big round nose, round and flappy ears, and their heart-shaped feet. Their height, on average, is 100 centimeters (3.2 feet), making them one of the tallest species of Neopets.

     Ever since their introduction, they have come to be available in over 70 different colours, including the classic four basic colours (Blue, Yellow, Green, and Red), the long-time user-appreciated colours Faerie, Halloween, and Darigan, as well as most recent variations such as Polka Dot and Steampunk. They also have a close association with an aquatic petpet called ‘Baby Blu’, named as such due to their striking facial resemblance with Blumaroos, even though their evolutionary origins are completely different.

     When it comes to their personality, Blumaroos are usually regarded as easy going, with a burning passion for bouncing from place to place, as well as a fondness of music in general – whether it is through singing or dancing.

     They are also known to enjoy playing games. As such, the species has become famous for their association with games such as the luck-based Dice-A-Roo, the fast-paced Bouncy Supreme, and the role-playing game NeoQuest II.

     Some of the most important Blumaroos of Neopian history include King Roo, the ruler of Roo Island, as well as his councillor Advisor Broo; Count Von Roo, a 200-year-old sleepy vampire who also lives in the island; the Shenkuu native Chef Bonju, a cooking master; and adventurer Rohane, a white Blumaroo who serves as the protagonist of NeoQuest II.

     Even with all this information about Blumaroos, one might always want to learn more about them. As such, this article aims at listing useful books for Blumaroo owners as well as Blumaroos themselves. In honour of the 8th of the month Hiding, here are, without further ado, the top 8 books about Blumaroos!

     8. ‘Bouncing Blumaroos’

     It is no surprise they love to bounce – their strong tails make for good support of their entire body weight, just as good as their feet; who wouldn’t bounce with a tail like that? This book released in Year 7 (2005) has a unique approach on the matter, as said in its description, with interesting data in bouncing statistics, such as the highest bounce of all time, the furthest bounce ever done, and even the most creative bounce ever made.

     7. ‘Blumaroo Fashion’

     As the synopsis of this Year 5 (2003) book states, no self-respecting Blumaroo can live without this book! Their cute heart-shaped feet, strong tail, and falling ears make it so that most regular clothes, that would fit other Neopets, will not look flattering on a Blumaroo; on the other hand, the species can wear unique clothing that no other species could.

     6. ‘Awesome Blumaroo Battles’

     Although widely regarded as easy going in nature, that doesn’t mean Blumaroos can’t fight when they have to! One does certainly not want to be slapped in the face by their strong tails. With ‘famous battles’ written on the front cover, this book highlights through innumerous pictures and tellings of some of the most spectacular battles involving Blumaroos. It was released in Year 7 (2005).

     5. ‘Blumaroo Love Stories’

     Blumaroos have their own type of love. Their easy-going personality makes their friendships and relationships quite peaceful. This book aims at a universal read for all species, with multiple tender tales in its pages. It was released in Year 2 (2000).

     4. ‘The Twenty Four Carat Gold Blumaroo’

     A book by someone obsessed with Blumaroos, with gold, and with Gold Blumaroos. Not surprisingly, the entire book is gold, even the pages – so be careful when picking it up, it is quite heavy. No one knows why the official name has a missing hyphen in the word ‘twenty-four’, though.

     3. ‘Blumaroo Guide To Dancing’

     Bouncing often has a lot to do with dancing. Their love of music definitely helps, too. This now-retired Year 3 (2001) book is a beginner-level read for terrible dancers of any species – although Blumaroos might feel a bit more catered by this read. Although released a bit more recently than most other books in this list, this Year 10 (2008) book can be quite hard to find and rather expensive. Still, it is, nonetheless, a milestone in Blumaroo literature.

     2. Blumaroos of Meridell

     Although their originating land is Roo Island, Blumaroos have since become inhabitants of all Neopian lands. Someone, one day, thought Blumaroos from Meridell are so cool that they deserve an entire book about them, and this is the result. It was released in Year 10 (2008), just as the previous entry in this list.

     Before we reach the end of the list, here are some honourable mentions: ‘Baby Blumaroos’ (after all who doesn’t love babies?), ‘Blumaroo Dance Movies’ (for those who have already read the number 3 on our list), and ‘Blumaroo Comedy’ (for the fans of more humorous reads).

     And the first place goes to…

     1. ‘Happy Times with Rainbow Blumaroo’

     Blumaroos are happy pets. Rainbows are happy things. Mix both and you may live happily ever after with a Rainbow Blumaroo! This book tells adventurous tales of many different Rainbow Blumaroos of Neopia. Also released in Year 10 (2008), this is also one of the most expensive books on this list, with an estimated price of 2 million neopoints in user trades as of the time of the writing of this article.

      And with the end of the list, there lingers the question: which book to read first?! There are too many good ones to choose! Maybe the solution is to read all of them with your Blumaroo on their special day, because why not?!

     May you and your Neopet have a happy (and bouncy) Blumaroo Day today!

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