Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 196,616,424 Issue: 930 | 12th day of Running, Y23
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A Gift from King Skarl

by akezis

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New Hobbies to Explore on Neopets
Now is the time to take the plunge and explore your untapped potential, cultivate new hobbies, and engage in a new community on Neopets!

by petpower14156


Neopets Kart Racing
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see all of Neopia’s most important personalities compete in go-kart racing?

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Catching a Star
Lofty the baby Yurble has quite the adventure chasing a thief across Faerieland...

by 77thbigby


Lebrio's Story.."Change"
A downtrodden fisherman refuses to accept the fate they were dealt...

by mrsinvicta

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