Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 196,538,512 Issue: 923 | 18th day of Celebrating, Y22
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The 12 Differences of Christmas

by itaela

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10 Reasons to Spend the Holidays on Roo Island
A Most Amazing Tourist Brochure by Mr. Regularoo Totallynotkingroo.

by shresthi


Can't be fooled easily.

by hamster_z


No Holiday Is Complete Without a Slushie
Lerlifia the Chocolate Draik, Sellescha the Pastel Kacheek, Walda the Baby Kacheek, and Christine, their owner sample some slushies for the holiday season!

by _brainchild_


A Holiday Reminder
Food is the best part of any holiday celebrations. And the worst comes right after. Collab with fishmas and silakbo

by acara_575

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