Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,203,330 Issue: 899 | 24th day of Eating, Y22
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The Colour of the Day

by linnipooh

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A List of Gloomy Items
The Greyest month of the year is once again upon us. Are you ready to be miserable and share your feelings of depression with one another? Article also written by: cawayee and siellan

by sessduh


Just Cake #16

by flameshard


Charity Corner Preparation
It's Sticky Snowball stockpiling season...

by alphachicky


The River that Flows Eternal
Oh… this again. This stupid memory. Whoa, what a creepy cave, said a distant voice far beyond his sight. What did you expect? came the tart reply. I mean, this is the Haunted Woods.

by movie138music

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