Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 196,153,638 Issue: 896 | 27th day of Running, Y22
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The Coronation

by anastole

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All hat, no dragon
"L-lady Cecilia? Whatever is the meaning of this? Were we making too much noise?" Some of the Neovians in the more elaborate costumes had edged over to the dragon, whose head and neck still blocked the only door into the banquet hall.

by liouchan


A Royal Send Off: Fyora's Bucket List
With Queen Fyora's sudden announcement of her retirement, one has to wonder how she would fill the voids in her day that were previously dominated by government and royal functions. In collaboration with Black_Skull725.

by parody_ham


Oh, like YOU immediately knew what it meant
Words can be tricky...

by alphachicky


Stolen Crown Chronicles
Fyora sat on her throne and gazed out of the window of her castle. She had just answered thirty odd questions regarding Faerieland and the upcoming Faerie Festival and she was exhausted. She pulled her crown off her head and placed it into her lap.collab with tarons

by devotedly

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