A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 196,098,192 Issue: 894 | 13th day of Running, Y22
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Baby Uni Problems

by linnipooh

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Lucky me
Brucey B is probably proud of me

by neopieceluffy


The Candy Invasion: Part 1
Nox had another bright idea...

by guga_dodi


An Unlikely Friend
Most Neopets had been born, hatched, or made in Neopia. In fact, it’s almost unheard of for a Neopet NOT to come from Neopia. Most Neopets know what it’s like to be an outsider in other lands, but even if one land is strange to them, home isn’t far off.

by shiningarcheops


Victor the Gargoyle
A story about an eyrie who just wants to watch the sunrise

by rkbear

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