Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,084,698 Issue: 892 | 28th day of Awakening, Y22
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by mistyqee

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But I'm Just a Grape
I’m sharing this story because I think that there are probably plenty of Neopets out there, or even their owners, who experience something similar.

by amsurito


The River that Flows Eternal
If there had been any mages walking the Wide Plains that morning, they would have felt the wave of energy in their very bones.

by movie138music


Don't Judge a Book by its Cover
Are you sure about this, Cornelia?” Shara sighed, looking across at her sister as they walked down the dark, damp corridor.

by kiaxxl


The Unexpectedly Educational Features of Neopets
Would you ever have imagined that designing and decorating a virtual house in a game could introduce you to interior design?

by jaylahcat

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