Brain Tree Quest: Guideline for Avatar & Trophy by silver0225
Introduction Brain Tree Quest is a quest that having a long history in Neopets. If you want to carry out this quest, please go to the Haunted Woods! The Brain Tree, who has a constant thirst for knowledge and developed intelligence, is sitting in the Haunted Woods and waiting for someone to accept his quest. When you are ready for starting the mission, the Brain Tree will ask you a question and you need to answer him within a specific time (normally less than 3 hours). All the questions are related to when and where a certain Neopian died. If you complete the quest successfully, you will receive different kinds of bonuses, including having a low chance to obtain a beautiful avatar and further a shine trophy. This article will provide a guideline suitable for the current environment to complete the Brain Tree Quest. The most important point is, how to get the avatar and trophy efficient by using the minimum amount of Neopoints (NP). Procedure for completion of Brain Tree Quest After accepting Brain Tree Quest, you want to find the answers about the year and place of death for a certain citizen. The esophagor, who also lives at the Haunted Woods, know the answer of all of the Brain Tree’s questions. However, he will not answer your queries easily unless you have some specific foods that he required. The esophagor will ask you to find 1 to 3 spooky foods to feed him. You need to find Shop Wizard for help to search and buy the foods that he wanted from other Neopian shops. It is the fastest and best way to buy the foods at reasonable price. Although the price of the food that he selected are varied from ultra-low to quite expensive, most of the spooky foods can be obtained when you fight with the enemy coming from rattling cauldron inside Battledome. In addition, restocking system changed caused the shopkeeper of spooky foods who locate at The Deserted Fairground restock more spooky foods to the market. Therefore, the most expensive cost of the foods for which he asked is only around 10,000 NP due to large supply at Battledome and spooky food shop (In the past, some spooky foods may spent more than 100,000 NP!). Hence, cost is not a problem to complete the esophagor mission nowadays. Once you have designated spooky foods, visit the esophagor again and feed him, and he will tell you when the Neopian died. Write down the answer, as he only tells once time. You want to approach the esophagor and accept his quest again in order to obtain the information about where the Neopian died. After you have completed the esophagor’s quest twice times, you have all the information you need to answer Brain Tree Quest. Now you can return to The Brain Tree and submit the answers to him, and you will get considerable rewards! Rewards After successfully completing a quest for the Brain Tree, you will receive a reward which includes a random amount of Neopoints and a spooky item. These spooky items are mainly Brain Tree weapons and petpets exclusive. You can consider them as valueless prizes, as Bain Tree weapons are not powerful and useful in Battledome while petpets are not attractable compared with others. Sometimes you will receive some special bonus after you complete the quest. The condition of gain these bonus are summarized as below list. The Brain Tree as a new opponent in Battledome - it happens randomly when finishing the quest. Get a book “Tales of the Esophagor” - you will acquire it when you complete the Brain Tree, Esophagor, and Edna quest once time. It is worth mentioning that there is High Score Table (HST) on this Brain Tree Quest. The amount of Neopoints you have awarded will reflect how many points you scored in Brain Tree Quest. Let’s take an example, you will have 10,000 points in Brain Tree Quest when you complete the quest and obtain 10,000 NP. If your score is high enough, you may have a chance to enter HST, and further award a beautiful avatar and shine trophy. Unlike Jhudora, Illusen or Fetch, your score is not cumulative and the score only takes the highest NP you received when you completed the quest each time. The prerequisite to obtaining the avatar and trophy will be presented in next section. Avatar and Trophy Guideline The most important part of this article. Before providing any tips on obtaining the avatar and trophy, you must know the requirement of getting them.  Avatar - you will receive it if you are in the top 50 on the Brain Tree Quests High Score Table when trophies are awarded daily.  Trophy - you will win Gold, Silver and Bronze trophy respectively if you are in the position of 1 to 3, 4 to 8 and 9 to 17 on the Brain Tree Quests HST when trophies are awarded daily. You should pay attention to that avatar and trophy will award around 8:45 pm NST daily nowadays. Make sure that you complete the quest before the time of trophies released. Due to the amount of NP that you received after completion of Brain Tree Quest is totally random, we can make a conclusion that getting the avatar and trophy are absolutely depending on your luck! As a writer who has the avatar and silver trophy on Brain Tree Quest, I would like to share my experience on how to obtain them more efficiently. Bases on my statistic on completion of 300 times Brain Tree Quest, I found that the reward of NP is tended to Log-normal distribution in probability theory. It is a fact that the probability of receiving not exceed 4,000 NP when complete the quest is larger than 95%. You are advised to refer the below tips in order to minimize the use of NP for targeting avatar or trophy. (a) Before starting a Brain Tree quest, start an Esophagor quest to see the items he seeks. if the total value of them above 4,000 NP, allow the quest to expire and reaccept again. Once he is asking for cheap items, accept the Brain Tree quest and then feed the Esophagor for a guaranteed cheap first quest. (b) Look at the HST before conducting the quest. If the score required to award avatar or trophy is too high, you should consider skip this month and try again next month. As mentioned earlier, only very low chance to get a high score on Brain Tree Quest. Please assess whether it is suitable to complete at the time of accepting the quest by yourself. (c) Carry out the quest at the first week of the month. The HST is reset after midnight on the first of the month. This is the greatest opportunity to aim for the avatar or trophy, as the score required to obtain the avatar or trophy shall be the lowest compared with any other times. Thus, please go ahead no matter how many costs required to complete the quest during this period of time.
Conclusion In fact, getting the avatar or trophy is entirely depending on your luck. No one can tell you when you will get them. In my case, I got the avatar and trophy at the same time after completed the quest more than 100 times. Nevertheless, the above guideline provides you the most cost-effective ways to get the avatar or trophy. Good Luck. I hope all of you can get them as soon as possible.