Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,530,000 Issue: 859 | 15th day of Running, Y21
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Random Oddness - Legends & Letters #1

by mistyqee

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Great stories!


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Ten
“She’s agreed to negotiate,”

by dudeiloled


Ink: Inversion - Part 3
It's my fault, it's been my fault all along.

by june_scarlet


Luck Around the World
This month of Running, we are feeling extra (un)lucky! There are a number of games and luck-based activities you can try, free and at a cost. To help point you in the right direction, we breakdown some of the best-known activities and games, talk about the upside/prizes, and whether it’s worth playing or not.

Also by kiwigoddesskimmie

by trubiekatie


Happy Illusen Day!
Illusen the earth faerie makes a terrible pun...

by soeeos

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