85 Reasons for 850 Issues - Why We Love The NT! by carmen_lee123
There are many things that we love about the Neopian Times! The very fact that it has continue to 850 issues shows just that! But to celebrate, I have compiled a list of 85 things that we love about the Neopian Times! 1. The wonderful creative community of Neopia, 2. And the chance that the Neopian Times gives us to express that creativity. 3. The white Weewoos. Where there’s a Weewoo, there’s a way. 4. The awesome interactions with the TNT editorial staff. 5. Cookies and various foodstuff all ‘round! 6. The laughs that we get at the comics. 7. The Quote of The Week. 8. The fact that it comes out on a Friday, right when we need to kick back, relax and enjoy. 9. Shifting through the archives to find a piece on your favourite Neopian. 10. The themes that are such a great way to celebrate Neopian holidays. 11. Waiting for the next episode of your favourite continued series. 12. Having a place to have questions answered in the Editorial. 13. Scrolling through the New Series section to find something new to read. 14. The excitement when there is enough in the New Series section to scroll through! 15. When you start a new series and are already looking forward to the next instalment. 16. That moment when you finish a series that you have been enjoying for some time. (okay so maybe this one is love/hate) 17. That moment of inspiration when you get the idea for the perfect submission. 18. When you are just chatting with a friend and they give you the idea for a great submission 19. Refreshing Neo every few minutes to see whether TNT has accepted your submission. 20. When TNT makes a custom image for your submission! 21. When a custom image gives you the perfect inspiration for your next submission 22. When your own question gets featured in the Editorial and you feel a little like a low key superstar 23. Getting all of the latest updates from Donny’s corner 24. Our favourite slorg greeting us when we open up the Times 25. This week’s issue is brought to you by: fabulous Neopian sponsors 26. The Search function that helps us find something for all of our interests 27. The fabulous avatars that we all desire 28. FINALLY getting your tenth submission in and getting the shiny new avvie 29. Continuing to make submissions even after you have the avatar because its addicting and a great way to express your creativity 30. The joy you feel when your submission is accepted 31. The beautiful golden quill trophy 32. And being called a Neopian Times CHAMPION when you have it 33. Having a place to immerse yourself deeper in the comings and goings of Neopia 34. Collecting old issues in your safety deposit box 35. Mumblings about a certain ‘non-existent’ place 36. And all the in-jokes therein 37. When you finally get your submission over the word limit and ready to submit 38. When someone makes enough effort to put an animation into their comic 39. When someone drops a great pun in their comic 40. When a comic provides you with such good material that you can use the joke with all of your friends in Neopia. 41. Collecting all the great Neopian Times merchandise such as a Neopian Times Paper Rack, Neopian Times Bean Bag or Framed Neopian Times. 42. Wearing your I Love The Neopian Times T-Shirt as you open a fresh issue 43. A week when a TNT holiday means that the times gets released early and you get to enjoy it longer 44. Our wonderful Editor and staff that make it all happen 45. Enjoying some nostalgic time by flicking through old issues 46. When the issue has a custom banner 47. Finally cracking a game avatar thanks to a handy article 48. Finding a great listicle that keeps you entertained 49. Getting the solution that you were hoping for in a quiz! 50. When you see a submission written by one of your neofriends and you get so excited for them 51. When you see a typo and you take a moment to delight in your grammar editing eyes 52. When a short story has a fantastic adventure that hooks you right in 53. Chet Flash wuz here 54. The Neopian Times White Weewoo Plushie 55. The excitement that builds as we get close to a 50 or 00 issue 56. When you see a colab piece – isn’t it nice to see Neopians working together? 57. When an artist puts a whole heap of effort into their comic art and its just stunning 58. When your submission gets selected for the quote of the week 59. Having your submission on the front page! 60. The fact that so many Neopians put a lot of effort into making it a reality! 61. There are literally 850 issues for you to read to your heart’s content! 62. Going back to old issues to look at how the Times has developed. 63. Scrolling through the archives to find an issue that way published on your birthday. 64. Into the stone age…issues that go so far back that your sanity is questioned for reading them (but let’s face it, we all have) 65. Scanning the Editorial for Edna clues (for how many years?) 66. Seeing a great question answered in the editorial that you didn’t know you had. 67. Remembering the old JubJub reading logo 68. Finally getting the 50 or 00 avatar 69. The pictures that close the editorial 70. When a writer puts enough effort to have multiple parts to their series 71. Catching a glimpse of something interesting on the sidebar that you weren’t expecting to read 72. When a comic has been around for long enough that you know the characters 73. The changing slogans 74. When the TNT staff join in on our jokes on in the editorial 75. Learning all about Neopia in from the articles 76. Learning from the experts in the articles 77. The wonderful Neopian Times fashions that we can rock all week long 78. Seeing an interview with your favourite Neopian hero (or villain) 79. Trying our a new game because you saw a guide in the articles section 80. When someone releases a story about your favorite Neopian and you feel that you get to know them better 81. When you see a story written by an old neofriend that you haven’t heard from in a while and it gives you the perfect excuse to get in touch 82. When you get the subtle reference in someone’s story 83. Spending time on the Neopian writers board for inspiration and community 84. When you have writers block but reading somebody else's story gives you just the right inspiration 85. Looking back at stories articles or comics that you have submitted over the years and seeing how your skills have developed. Now I know that there is plenty more that we could say! But I hope that this list inspired you and helped you to commemorate this occasion. Here's to the next 850 issues!