The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 195,348,202 Issue: 844 | 19th day of Collecting, Y20
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Happy Month of Collecting

by umbrex

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Preparing for Halloween
Unsolved mysteries of Neopia..

by lunabeach


Thrifty Living: Pets, Paints, and You
You! Yeah, you! I see you there, eyeing those paints. You ever feel like you absolutely have to have that Sloth awful expensive color on your pets, but maybe expensive paints, or more properly Paint Brushes are a bit out of your reach?

by fire_earth_aqua__77


Does the PPL Really Protect?
If you have been on Neopets for a while you must have heard of the Petpet Protection League. This is an organization made for protecting petpets, making sure they are well cared for and that they are not neglected by their owners.

This was a collaboration piece by myself and Suchrob

by pixeldream


Hello Fellow Traveler:Part Three
Months have passed by since the Moonstone natives arrived on the new land. The area did not have a name yet, but its community decided to vote on a it at a later date.

by trishabeakens

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