Top 10 Retro Avatars to Give You Dem Nostaligic Feel by carmen_lee123
Top 10 retro avatars to give you them nostalgic feels. And how to get them. Neopets has been around for a while now (can you believe that it is already Y20?!) and even for those players who have been on hiatus for a while, the neo-nostalgia is starting to set in. How many Faerieland revamps can you remember? Or remember back in the day before you could customise your pets? “Remember when……” is a popular refrain. Well, if you enjoy these memories, here is how you can make the most of remembering the good old days while you are enjoying your time on the Neoboards. Here are 10 avatars that you can use to share the nostalgia and remember the good old days and some tips on how to get them! 1. Neopets Default Avatar: The default avatar is highly underrated. Though it may not be considered very valuable, the default avvie reminds us all of a simpler time. It is reminiscent of the time when we all enjoyed the yellow site theme. There’s just something about those yellow stars that makes us feel proud to be Neopian and show everyone exactly who we are! How to get it: That’s the beautiful thing! This avatar is the default avatar for all players, there is nothing you need to do to obtain it. 2. Wheel of Excitement: This game has been around so long we’ve probably all played it hundreds of times. Its even been through a few refreshes along with Faerieland. You may even hear some elderly neopets and long-time Neopians sporting this avatar and stating: “when I was a newbie, 20,000 np was a lot of money, none of this Trudy’s surprise jibber jabber no sir.” How to get it: Land on the 20,000 np tile while playing the Wheel of Excitement. 3. Soup Faerie: For years, the kindest faerie in Neopia has been the Soup Faerie. Dedicated to helping those in need, the Soup Faerie was there for all of us back when we were newbies. What a perfect way to thank her and remember those times when she helped out you and your pets in you time of need. Remember those days before you realised how to earn np properly? How to get it: Go to the Soup Kitchen and feed your pets. The Soup Faerie will randomly award you this avatar. 4. Meowclops The Meowclops avvie was the first petpet avatar to be released (not including the Baabaa featured in the Math’s nightmare avatar) – can you believe it?! The Meowclops avvie still has huge popularity today and is one of the most desired avatars. I don’t know about you but it reminds me of spending my time in the hidden tower in Neopets: The Darkets Faerie console game. How to get it: Simply own a Meowclops, attach it to your active pet and view the Quick Ref Page for that pet. 5. Coconut Jubjub- Its just so cute! With its big eyes! Who can resist? This one takes me back to days spent exploring Mystery Island with my pets, taking Tiki Tours, Training in the Techo School- what fun! The best thing is that all that fun is still there to be had. Plus your pets get to enjoy some great tropical food along the way. How to get it: Own a Coconut Jubjub and feed it any kind of tropical food. 6. I’m smelly- What is it about Neopians and their weird relationship with dung? Who else in their right mind would keep that in their inventory? I hear that some even collect their dung. I feel for poor old Granny Hobgobbins, she must have to sort through so much of it! But before Charity Corner, there were very few places to send your dung. Well at least you can wear that smell loud and proud with this avatar. How to get it: Have 10 different items with the word ‘Dung’ in their name. View your inventory (with the items in it) and refresh until the avatar is awarded. 7. Edna – Cackle – Even though this avvie has been around for a long time, its still evades many of us and the exact requirements are very much unknown. If you are one of the lucky one’s who has this avatar, why not share it with the rest of us! (even though it does remind us of the frustration of many completed quests for little reward) How to get it: Complete one of Edna’s Quests. Exact requirements are unknown. 8. Mootix – is one of my personal favourites. It is still a coveted avatar and has some super cute animation. First there were pets, and then there were petpets and THEN when petpets weren’t enough, and when we thought it couldn’t get any better…petpetpets were released in 2003 and they have been well loved ever since. Show your petpetpet love with this avvie! How to get it: Attach a Mootix to your petpet and visit your quick ref page. 9. The default avatar for your favourite pet- what species was your first pet? Kacheek, Aisha, Bruce? Using the default avatar for that pet is a great way to remember them! How to get it: There should be a default avatar for each species of pet available automatically to each Neopian. How great! 10. Your favourite plot avatar- There are plenty to choose from! From the Mystery Island Volcano Plot to the Wraith Resurgence. Relive those plot memories with an avatar that brings the story back to life! How to get it: Sorry, but with the exception of the Altador mini-plot, these avvies are no longer available. But keep your eyes out for a new plot one day! Well, there you have it! I look forward to seeing you and your nostalgic avvie on the Neoboards soon. And don’t forget to share your nostalgia with those newer players also! One thing that has never changed is that Neopia is a welcoming place. Neopians have always been willing to share their knowledge and experience with new friends to welcome them to our wonderful home of Neopia.