teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 195,283,450 Issue: 837 | 17th day of Hiding, Y20
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Just mutant things vol. 6

by jacquelineramrez

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King Altador's Substitute:Part Four
Eventually, Queen Nera managed to fix everything. The small yooyu island had been fully repaired, the Hall of Heroes ceiling was fixed, the altachucks had been found and returned to their cages, and everything seemed to be in order, finally.

by trishabeakens


Countdown to...
coming soon to neopia near you...

by welikedots


Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Two
It had been several days since the attack on Headquarters was reported as breaking news in the Neopian Times. While both Squire Oak and I were stuck at Shade’s Neohome for safety concerns, Shade was out gathering whatever information he could dig up from his sources.

by lupe_hunter_7


Trouble in Paradise: Wraiths
The benefits definitely outweigh the consequences here.

by chasing_stars44

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