A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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Guess the Character 7

by dtrg

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What Even is that? 20 Strange Items in Neopia
This is an article inspired by my gallery where I'm collecting weird items!

by treblesome


Flupeh Things
A lupe's self care routine

by flupeh


Look Like a Faerie Queen in 10 Easy Steps
Everybody in Neopia is familiar with the elegant visage of Queen Fyora. Thousands of years old, Fyora is an extremely powerful faerie and the queen of Faerieland! Recently voted most elegant faerie for the sixtieth consecutive century, it's no wonder so many Neopians express a desire to be just like Fyora.

by umbrex


What the Altadorian Constellations Mean for You -3/3
Welcome to the third and final installment of “What Altadorian Constellations Mean for You.” Thank you to those of you who have stuck by me during the first two volumes. I hope you will find this final piece worth the wait.

by kayahtik

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