A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 195,146,813 Issue: 826 | 4th day of Hunting, Y20
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Random Oddness

by mistyqee

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The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Three
The faerie Vandagyre’s antennae quivered. “Come on!” Eunji squawked to Ganzorig as she sprinted in the direction of the scream, toward a mess of frazzled energy she could feel throughout her whole body.

by cosmicfire918


TWELVE Tips to Help You Succeed in Life:Part Nine

by downrightdude


Far away on a hidden island there exists a rundown laboratory. Run by a sketchy looking Scorchio this lab contains marvels of technology that are unseen by both man and Neopet! Or… At least it was supposed to be.

Collaboration with beachotte

by kazel98


Watch out!
How Psellia became the Protector of Altador

by orlovo

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