Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,115,046 Issue: 823 | 13th day of Eating, Y20
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A Pirates Life - Egg Recognition

by piratesy

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Bad (amazing) Quiggle Joke
(face palm)

This is a collab with the user Gromits.

by rowdy420


Caring for Your Grey Pet
“Why would I ever want a pet that is always sad?”

This has been a longstanding question for many pet owners around Neopia. Over time, many myths surrounding grey neopets and their behaviour have surfaced. But how many are true?

by brekln


Just mutant things vol. 2
Fashion is hard when your body doesn't fit the standard.

by jacquelineramrez


Leave Room for the Impossible
Eliss hung the "closed" sign on the shop door, relieved the day was finally over. She was an assistant at the only furniture store in Tyrannia, and had been for as long as she could remember. It was boring, tedious work, but it allowed Ellis and her owner to decorate their Neohome for free, which she wasn't complaining about.

by unfogging

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