White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,106,233 Issue: 822 | 6th day of Eating, Y20
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3 Dailies You Should Be Doing Regularly

by rowdy420


     Why hello there fellow Neopians! I’ve got another great article for you this week. A lot of us work different "dailies" into our Neoschedules for a wide variety of reasons. Some of those reasons include random prizes (that can be really lucrative), the chance of a new avatar, and even the thrill of gambling.

     Oh, what was that? You don’t know what a daily is? You’re probably doing some without even knowing it! Well, on Neopets, "daily" is a blanket term for any activity on the site that can be done once (and sometimes more) a day. This means that both the Wheel of Knowledge in Brightvale (once a day) and the Wheel of Excitement in Faerieland (once every two hours) are considered dailies. For most people, their dailies are a subjective list of activities that they do every day when they log onto the site. On my list of dailies, I have activities such as spinning the Wheel of Knowledge (give me the avatar!!!), spinning the Fruit Machine (because it’s free), collecting my bank interest (because compound interest is amazing), and many more.

     We all have more or less the same dailies that we enjoy doing, but I’m going to talk about some activities that would benefit both you and the NeoEconomy if you choose to do them on a regular basis. Let’s get started!

     1. Visit the Healing Springs… A LOT!

     The Healing Springs in Faerieland is an amazing spot for you and your Neopets to visit. Governed by the very generous water faerie, Marina, the Healing Springs is your one-stop shop for healing your Neopets that are wounded (maybe from a battle or by the Snowager). So, if you ask Marina for help, she will either grant your Neopet more hit points or give you something from her shop such as a healing potion, elixir, or snowball. If her magic heals your Neopet, it will most likely affect your active Neopet, but sometimes she heals all of your pets! The outcome of her magic is completely random. What’s the best part about the Healing Springs you ask? Well, it’s FREE. That’s not all, it gets better. You can visit every. thirty. minutes.

     Even if your Neopet is completely healed, you still have a chance of getting an item that you can use later, or potentially make some Neopoints off of. For example, if she hands you an Essence of Everlasting Apple, that’s an easy 1,000 Neopoints you just made… for free! Or if you intend on using it, the Essence of Everlasting Apple will heal 250 of your Neopets hit points.

     Building off of this idea, visiting the Healing Springs is a great way to gather items for upcoming Charity Corners. A safe bet is to visit and try to get an item from Marina, but you should also go into her shop and buy something for a cheap price. For example, you can go in her shop and buy an Icy Snowball for 5 Neopoints, which has a rarity of 95. This means it’s worth a lot of points in the Charity Corner event! The problem with this, however, is that we never know what categories of items are going to be accepted each time the event is run. So, if you want to place your bets on Battle Magic being one of the Charity Corner categories (or no specific categories at all like this year), then hoarding Icy Snowballs is one of the best ideas there is. (Just as an aside: The Sticky Snowball has a rarity of 100, which were worth more points this year than the Icy Snowball being a r95, but Charity Corner 2018 was the first year to accept r100s, so we don’t know how much of a trend this will become. Icy Snowballs are the safest bet, but everything is a gamble with Charity Corner!)

     Economy-wise, visiting the Healing Springs helps bring down the price of highly effective potions. As an example, the Healing Potion XX costs 56 Neopoints in her shop, which you can sell for a little less than 1,000 Neopoints; if you do the math, it’s a pretty nice profit! Long story short, the more of these things we have on the market, the less people will have to pay for it. So, why not pay a visit to the Healing Springs?

          2. Go exploring through the Faerie Caverns

     The Faerie Caverns, located in Faerieland, is a series of tunnels that may or may not lead you to treasure. It costs 400 Neopoints to enter (personally, I think this is steep) and once you pay, you’re confronted with a fork in the road three consecutive times. Once you get to the first fork, you’re able to choose whether to go left or right. If you choose luckily, you get to go onto the next fork, and then the next fork, (if you’re lucky!). If you somehow manage to choose the correct direction three times in a row, you’ll reach a treasure chest that can be very lucrative. There are many possible prizes; you could win up to 25,000 Neopoints and an item from a prize pool which includes a couple wearables, a Petpet, a stamp (we will discuss this in a bit), and a Faerie Paint Brush! (I know the prizes, but I don’t want to give too much away!) Before I move on, I want to say that the likelihood of choosing the correct path thrice is unlikely (from my own experience), so if you decide to do this daily (which I’ll try to convince you to do so) then just keep in mind that the payoff can be immense. MOVING ON!

     Just as an aside: If The Order – and sometimes The Awakened – win at the Battleground of the Obelisk, and you chose to fight for their faction, then you have the opportunity to be granted the cartographication boon if you so choose. The cartographication boon allows you to have a (theoretical) map that guarantees that you’ll find the correct path through the Faerie Caverns. The benefit of this boon is simple: the more treasure you find, the more likely of getting really rich!

     Ok, here’s why this daily is worth the 400 Neopoints and the trouble of trying to make your way through the caverns. The reason is simple: It’s not a weapon, you can’t wear it, and you can’t feed it to your Poogle. It is, however, small, rare, and sticky. It’s the Faerie Caverns Stamp! This little item actually packs a big financial punch. If you happen to find this stamp in the treasure chest, then you just found yourself an item worth 80-100 million Neopoints. That’s right, almost a hundred. million. Neopoints (and maybe even more if you’re willing wait to sell it). Although the likelihood of walking away with one of these stamps is small, there’s a really good reason for still trying. We need MORE of these stamps in the economy! This is one of the rarest stamps that users are able to obtain through activities like this, which is why it’s so expensive and why we need more Neopians trying to get their hands on one. Everyone profits from more Faerie Caverns Stamps. Avatar collectors get more chances to fill the Faerieland page in their stamp album, thus obtaining the Stamp Collector – Faerieland avatar; and the people who find the stamp can sell it get to make lots and lots of Neopoints. What could be better than that? (This same concept can be applied to finding a Faerie Paint Brush and the other prizes in the treasure chest.)

          3. Place some bets at the Food Club

     ARRGGGG Matey! Enough of Faerieland; let’s head on over to Krawk Island! Specifically, the Warf Wharf! I’ll keep this daily brief because I’m actually not completely sure about how everything works. :-) Anyway… moving on! Once you navigate to the Food Club, you’re confronted with a LOT of numbers and various pirates that have a passion for competitive eating. What you should take away from this daily is a lot of money! Just kidding. You’re gambling on pirates (who are really inconsistent) eating so sometimes you walk away losing money, getting your money back, or hefty profit.

     Obviously, I have no clue what I’m talking about, but here is what you need to know: There are people out there who know exactly what’s going on at the Food Club and people who don’t know what they’re doing (me) can rely on them! Lots and lots of users love making bets and sharing those bets with their fellow Neopians to help them make some extra Neopoints. Again, this is still gambling, no matter how experienced you are, so everyone is going to win some bets and lose some bets.

     The first thing you need to do if you don’t want to learn how to make bets yourself is to find someone to "follow." Following someone else’s food bets means that you bet the same way they do. You can find people on the Games Board (board 23) or Charter (and other places, but there are boards up specifically for sharing/discussing bets). These boards are also FULL of information if you ever want to learn how to place your own bets. Once you find someone to follow, you can place your bets on the Place A Bet page. The amount that you can wager per bet is calculated by "50 [Neopoints] + 2 [Neopoints] for every day you have been playing Neopets." You choose which arena you want to bet in as well as the pirate you’re betting on; and it’s as simple as that! You can place bets until around 1-2 PM and winners are announced at 3:15 PM every day. You can see if you won any bets by going to the Collect Winnings page. I don’t have an extremely economic reason for suggesting that you play Food Club other than it can generate a lot of Neopoints for you (if you’re lucky)! Best of luck to you in choosing the best pirate. Arg!

     Alright, that’s about it for now. Thank you very much for reading my article! I’d also like to thank Jellyneo for providing me with some of the information in this article. Oh, and I’d like to thank Scrappy for always being diligent with the Neopian Times. If you enjoyed this article, look out for me in the next issue of the Neopians Times where I discuss three more dailies you should be doing! Have a great NeoDay and I’ll see you later!


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